Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

FairTaxNation Storms the HILL on April 15, 2010... R U with me (us)?!!! LET THE PLANNING BEGIN!!!

Way to go all you who were there on 9/11!!! We know it had an impact because we got another cosponsor! Let's do it again only this time lets DOUBLE our FTN Stormin' the hill numbers!!!

I'll need lots of input from all you who were there so it will be bigger and better! Lets hear from you! The do's and don'ts, the hotels & etc.

The FairTax Legislation needs to be a HUGE topic of FREEDOM, Small Government and Power to the People!! Imagine a USA pre-1913 when the 16th Amendment got forced upon us.

Looking forward to hearing and planning and MEETING you in DC storming the Hill!!!

Goooooooooo FairTax, YES IN OUR LIFETIME!! "2013" would be good!
WE KNOW they can pass a bill in less than a month!!!

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We should do live streaming of the event via ustream. We just need a video camera with an internet connection.
OK, you handle that part.
Live Steaming that would be GREAT Joshua!!!! I have a video camera, but not sure if it has internet capabilities...I'm looking forward to getting to know my camera better in the next couple of weeks. Settings and How tos.

HEY...instead of videos how about the IT's TIME CD's? I can get 100 for $15! We could make sure that everyone of them has that and a business card...kind of an informational packet and also letting them know that as Americans who VOTE we are looking to endorse Candidates who Endorse the FairTax...not just in WORD, but also by cosponsorship & FairTax information/links on their websites!!!

I think we need to start with everyone who is running FIRST!
We also need to get a in touch with anyone who is challenging them!!!
I think Ken H. was telling us that it was pretty expensive for them to do a live stream at the rally in SC back in april. Something like 10k, maybe? Not for sure...
If you have a camera and an internet connection you can do it for free with http://www.ustream.tv
OK, great!

Are you going to handle that part?
Ustream is now the way to go. They still had a price structure that was prohibitive at the time of the SC rally but a month later created a low cost, free option. We paid 10K for SC for up to 50,000 viewers which was, at the moment, the least expensive. The technical end is important-- the camera/mic and the internet link to the streaming website must be tested in advance.

Your insight is valuable.

We are not trying to have a million people at this event. We are aiming to get 2,000 people for each of the 5 buildings. That would swamp them.

Next time we will probably turn it around to have people show up at 9 A.M. in front of the Capitol to immediately disperse into the buildings.

Why don't you join with FTN as one of the advisors (at the beginning of the planning) and help make this the best FairTax Rally ever?
I second that motion! You have been where so many of us have not and your knowledge would be greatly appreciated! So what do you say? We want to get this legislation passed!!! Looking forward to your response to be an advisor to our FAIRTAX Storm the Hill April 15, 2010!!!
Sure thing. Happy to help, of course. Ken
Alrightie...the planning has begun!!


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