Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Steve Curtis's Comments

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At 8:17am on July 27, 2011, Billie said…

Hi Steve,

I have a roster on Excel and I have tried for a week to e-mail it to you.  So far no luck. Do you know how to set up the computer to e-mail an excel file?



At 1:42pm on April 10, 2010, Leslie Haas said…
I need to hear from you regarding a speaker for Marietta's Tax Day TEA Party.
At 8:32pm on March 28, 2010, Teresa J. Geron said…
Hey Steve!
The April 15th Columbus Tea Party Rally guys would like someone from the FT not to present, but to speak about how much ground the FT has gained in the past year. Any suggestions or are we maxed out?
At 9:41pm on February 27, 2010, Richard & Daphne said…
met you once at a meeting. About 2 weeks ago, Rahm Emanual stated to the press that He and our President were looking at executive orders to see which ones they could use to get things done. (remember exec. order 11921?)
At 11:54am on December 12, 2009, Eugene Richard Carroll said…
I hope you will be able to attend the Fair Tax meeting Tuesday December 22 at the Sharonville Public Library, 10980 Thornview Drive 7:00 to 8:00
At 8:28am on July 12, 2009, Lonnie C. Logston said…
thank you for returning my call .I was having trouble with my passwourd as you can tell Igot-r-done ha ha.soming I have been doing and other can too is when your [rnc or dnc] call for your support tell they we want them to support are fairtax tellthe we are TENs of thousands strong and put it in thier return envelop I have also done this with NRA. more late
At 9:59am on June 22, 2009, Deborah in Ohio said…
Steve, who has more training and experience than you? Your comments about Toastmasters and your colorful suggestions and expert advice for my July 3 speech, make me think that as Ohio Fair Tax Director, YOU might be the one to represent the State of Ohio with Sean Hannity on Aug. 21 at Kings. Island. If you want me to speak again, I'd be more than happy to, but Kate Burch is pretty fired up too! We need someone who can get the crowd excited for those Fox News cameras and You Tube video. Who do you suggest? Can we get Barbara Wilson ready to speak at this event in about 2 months?
At 8:15am on June 21, 2009, Deborah in Ohio said…
Bravo! Never underestimate the power of a few passionate people! Just heard from Robert L. Scott, U.D. law student who set up the Dayton, Ohio Tea Party that we were the 5th largest Tea Party in America on April 15. That caught Sean Hannity's attention and he wants some Ohio Fair Tax speakers to come out and wow the crowd before his Freedom Concert in Cincinnati, Ohio at King's Island on Fri. August 21st. Is Steve Curtis, our Ohio Fair Tax State Director up to the job? We need someone with public speaking training and a color message to stand up for the FairTax and get national attention with those Fox News cameras!
At 2:03pm on May 27, 2009, Dave Sibole said…
Thanks for joining us for the parade on Monday and staying for the cookout. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I hope it produces some more activist.
At 6:14pm on May 24, 2009, Billie said…
Steve, are you going to the Springfield Parade tomorrow? There will be a lot of people there. I'll see if I can find one that would like to give you a hug. Billie
At 5:57pm on May 23, 2009, Billie said…
Steve Dean Kocian would like to be your Friend.
At 12:48pm on May 16, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Steve, has anyone contacted you yet about speaking at a July 4 Tea Party? The Tea Party people are in the planning process. I will probably be in Columbus once again, however, this time I've got a bit more time to prepare so that we can have more FairTaxers and video of FT speaker.
At 9:10am on May 13, 2009, Lana R. BeBee said…
Mr. Curtis

Was there a Fair Tax meeting last evening in Beavercreek?

Was it re-scheduled?

Thank you
At 6:26am on May 8, 2009, Billie said…
Just wanted to let you know you missed a very good FairTax meeting Wednesday at the Miami Twp Library on Lyons Rd. Bill Sanders came all the way from Lexington, KY to be a part of our meeting. We have so much going on for FairTax we would love for you to be a part of our movement. We will be having another meeting on the second Tuesday (May 12) in Beavercreek at Beef O'Brady's and at the Sharonville Library in Cincinnati. Hope you can join us. Billie in Beavercreek
At 11:15am on May 6, 2009, Deborah in Ohio said…
Thanks, Steve. I did look at the OhioFairTax website. It would be very helpful to have access to the calendar. That way I can post speaking engagements. Do you still want me to post them on FairTax Nation also?
At 2:16pm on April 10, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Dave, Steve Curtis emailed me and says he'll be able to do it. Thanx so very much for your help!
At 5:04pm on April 9, 2009, Dave Sibole said…
Steve I got this email from Nancy Gatchel, any suggestions?

Do you know of anyone that can speak at Columbus Tea Party April 15? It's 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Tea party organizer, Justin Higgins, emailed me a little while ago and said it would be great; he's an ardent supporter of the Fair Tax. We're working on getting Rep. Pat Tiberi, but he may have scheduling conflict. I really provide a speaker for this event if I can. Your help will be greatly appreciated. (as if you don't have enough to do already!)
At 4:31pm on April 9, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Received email from Justin Higgins, Columbus Tea Party organizer. He wants a Fair Tax speaker if one can be provided. He supports the Fair Tax 100%. I spoke with Rep. Tiberi's office today and now he has something going that evening. However, the staffer asked my name, number, and email address should that event be cancelled.
What do you think about flooding his office with calls asking if he'll be at the Tea Party? Justin Higgins thinks it would be great.

I still think we need to find another speaker as right now it's looking like Tiberi won't be able. Even if we had the congressman and another speaker, I'm sure that would be fine. I was much encouraged by Justin's email.
At 10:46am on April 7, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
I have yet to receive word back from the tea party but I'm hoping to hear today. I hope I'm not perceived as a party crasher. I believe in what they're doing and the Fair Tax only brings added value to the tea party cause; in other words, we compliment each other nicely, in my opinion.
At 5:32pm on April 6, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
I feel badly but I'm backing out of the caravan on the 15th because I'm attending the tea party and I have to do some traveling to pick up some other Fair Tax guests. But I really want to do the caravan! We can still do it on another day.

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