Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Word is in that Neal Boortz has won a spot in the Radio Hall of Fame. Neal wanted this a lot and we wanted to help him get it.

We did. No one will say exactly what the vote was but we think it was huge for Neal.

The FairTax family rushed forward with votes and encouragement and now America's best known FairTax champion is in the Radio Hall of Fame!

Way to go FairTaxers!

Now on to Congress.

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I sincerely hope this is more than an unsubstantiated rumor!

Neal has truly been a FairTax champion - I actually learned about the FairTax from him. Along with the many other accomplishments during his career; he really does deserve the honor. I, for one, have listened to him for years (the first time I heard him, he was spinning his yarn about the "parachuting with cats" tale and I laughed during the entire time).

For me, it doesn't matter how much he won by, only that he won. Of course, it's nice to know that we FairTaxers helped to get him there.
I was wondering if he won. I heard him for a few minutes this morning and there wasn't mention of it. He DOES deserve it and it was him I first heard about the FairTax as well!!

Woooo hooo if he got it!!
It's official. He won and we helped him do it.

Thanks to all for pitching in. Look for an article next week at FairTax.org.

In addition, we were the top vote on Reinvent the RNC, the top vote on tax issues on Obama's web site and the top tax vote on an independent site giving advice to the new President.

A Rasmussen poll showed amazing public opinion progress (43%) toward acceptance of an undefined "national sales tax" to replace the income tax six weeks ago.

While Republican Party policy has not changed to reflect our growing strength and Mr. Obama did not make true his promises to throw the lobbyists out by embracing the FairTax and September 12 rally organizers don't want FairTax speakers on stage, we are nonetheless making headway despite resistence.

Neal's vote to the Hall of Fame shows that when it just comes down to a vote--we can have a powerful effect. Now for those pesky insider politics that so effectively allow Washington to ignore our voice--we're coming...

See FairTax.org for a listing of August Congressional Town Hall meetings.
"Now for those pesky insider politics that so effectively allow Washington to ignore our voice--we're coming..."

You are right.
I did not know Obama promised to support the Fair Tax!?!
He has been against it in every post or poll I have seen.

Kudos Neal! Great Fair Tax pioneer! He has done so much for us, glad we could help him some.
No Randy, he never promised support of the FairTax but he did promise to stop having a government run by lobbyists. OK. More than half of all lobbying money spent in Washington, DC is spent lobbying one thing--the income tax code. Last year--about $1.5 billion. Big detour around that concentration of lobbying power by Mr. Obama and almost everyone else in Washington (except our co-sponsors). That telling detour includes so called tax reform groups who oppose or just studiously ignore the FairTax.

Why? It's big money in the pockets of former staff members and elected officials from tax writing committees now working as lobbyists. It's also big money for contributions, lunches, trips, fund raisers and wining and dining Members of Congress. It's a permanent funding stream for tax reform groups who fight ritualized battles that do what?--pit us against each other in order to gain tiny advantages in the thoroughly corrupted system where they feed. No wonder Washington doesn't want to change the tax code to benefit the average person--we don't treat Congress or the other new "princes" and knights like royalty.

That makes two fundamental American promises that have now been betrayed: we rebelled against "taxation without representation" but now routinely tax the future earnings of yet to be born Americans. Future generations of Americans are being taxed without representation without any shame whatsoever. And, we threw off the power of kings but now see the power elite in Congress behaving like aristocracy--richer and better government benefits, taxpayer paid travel, perks and priviledges not enjoyed by citizens, lobbyist worship and wheedling, and leaving us only that which remains in our paychecks after the government gets the first chunk of our wealth withheld from our paychecks.

Hmm--we take only the fruits of our labor that are left over after the "landowner" takes the first portion--sounds like we have become modern day serfs to me.

Those who think these are the betrayals of one political party are mistaken. This elitism is jealously guarded by elected officials in both parties--as is the central funding and power mechanism enabling such power--the income tax system. It makes the FairTax the litmus test for whether one's sensibilities are with the American people or the new aristocracy.

Does it begin to make sense why Washington insiders don't want us presenting the FairTax at their upcoming "protest" rallies? They are the disfavored faction in the royal court now seeking reinstatement of their former priviledges. They will fuel their campaign for restored power by fanning the flames of our indignation against only one half of the real problem.

High time that we wake up America and remind these elitists that the real power in our Republic can still be found in our home towns and that we won't be tricked into battle against each other any longer. That truly American goal to restore the proper relationship between citizen and government starts with enactment of the FairTax--by finding common cause with fellow Americans of all political beliefs.
The tea parties that happened around April 15th this year is proof that Americans are rapidly tiring of the "same old ways" of doing things in Washington, DC.

This is why not only do we need to repeal the 16th Amendment and discard our overly-complex and economy-sapping income tax system, but we need much tighter controls on Wall Street to prevent the type of out-of-control risky investments that caused the stock market crash last year.

I recently sent a long email to Gerald Celente, a well-known economic trends forecaster who has predicted economic doom if we don't clean up this financial mess. Interestingly enough, he replied VERY positively to my suggestion of cleaning up both our taxation system and our financial system--which tells me the support for FairTax is a lot stronger than the mainstream media admits to.

Is there any way you could post both the email you sent to Mr. Celente and the response you got back from him? I'm sure many of us would be interested in reading them.

Perhaps you might post them in a new discussion since this one seems to be centered on Mr. Boortz.

Might anyone know when the official announcement will be made?

So far, I've not heard Boortz say anything about receiving the honor, which means he either does not know (which I would find hard to believe considering this discussion) or he knows and just can't say anything (which must be driving him nuts).
Neal announced it on his show the day after he received the call at 4:30 PM on 8/5/09. You might look in Neal's website the next day.
Yep - you're right - it was there!

Thanks for the info Chief... and kudos to Neale!!
The official induction ceremony will be held on Nov. 7, 2009


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