Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

It appears that one of the biggest roadblocks to passage of the FairTax, other than Pelosi, Reid and Obama, is Charlie Rangel. If I am wrong, please let me know and accept my apologies. The FairTax.org site indicates rangel is against. He writes our tax laws. He is also under investigation for tax evasion and ethics violations. He was also not removed as Chairman of Ways & Means even while under investigation. He also gave campaign contributions to the Representatives responsible for investigating him. If all this is true, how do we apply enough pressure to at least have him step aside until the investigation is complete? Thoughts?

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Steve - good post!

The answer - "boots" on the ground! - Storm the Hill 2!!!

These folks only move when it hurts them to do nothing - a rather stupid game, but one we must understand and engage in.

We can only hope to succeed through our collective voices
Central Fl Fair Tax supporters use our post card program to contact our local Senators and Reps. (that is three of the four cards on the sheet) The fourth card gos to Charlie Rangel.
We try to have events at least once a month. We range from 200 to 400 cards each month. Charlie's office in DC gets their cards hand delivered each time.

(Yeah, I know, none of the cards are from people in his District. But then he does not listen to his people either!)

If we can get other groups to use this format all over the country, on a regular basis, think of the impact it could have. For details on our post card program look at our local group on FTN. If there are any questions post a note on that thread.
You have to look at his district and the people who keep voting him in.

I think this would be a great place to have FairTax people on the ground spreading the word!!

Do we have anyone in his district at all?
Rangle's district may be just like Pelosi's district. They either don't care who they vote for or they feel that their rep does truly represent their values.

I agree, that both of those districts should be Pro- HR25, in order to even have a chance. That way they would fire their rep to remove that problem.
I like Sean's 'boots on the ground' - Storm the Hill 2 idea. Does it make sense to specifically target Rangel? Maybe some signs with Rangel's name on it and a big circle with a slash through it? Either that or just a few thousand FairTax signs surrounding his office. Is there a coordinator in his district? His district probably needs the FairTax more than most. Ditto with Pelosi and Reid (assuming they survive the next election).

PS In WA state's 3rd district, I predict the FairTax will be central to the discussion.
I clipped this from an email I got from John Linder:

"It think it is an even bet that Republicans will regain the majority in the House in 2010. When that happens I will become chairman of the subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee responsible for fundamental tax reform. I know exactly where I intend to go with that!"

I think the best hope the FairTax has is to flip the House!

Best news I have heard in a long time! I may actually make a contribution to the R's now ;-).


Maybe Charlie needs to hear that he will be replaced unless he supports the FairTax. he won't listen and he will be replaced.

Not a bad idea.

I hope Charlie lives to see the day that his precious tax code goes into the trash can - all 67,000+ pages.
I agree Sean, and I will be glad when that day comes. Do you think that he will know what to do after the IRS is gone and he will not have to avoid them ever again?
> Is Congressman Linder being challenged for his seat? If so we need to contribute heavily to his campaign, and pray for his health!
I don't know. Anyone from GA around? I suggest we all contribute to his campaign regardless. I know I will.



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