Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

The attached Graph shows the 30 Congressional Races that had FairTax as an issue during the Campaign.  It is broken down into two groups.  One group is the races where the FairTax candidate Actively Campaigned on the FairTax or grassroots in the District.  The second group is the passive Candidates for the FairTax.  The opposition candidates are the districts lost.



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George MeMeiux, candidate for FL Senate, needs to hear from us.  He likes The Fair Tax but says he has some concerns.  This is a graph that should help build his Fair Tax confidence, as well as the large number of you who contact him and ask for his support for the real "The Fair Tax"  S-13, in order to gain your support for him to replace Sen Bill Nelson.
Looks like the FairTax is a more campaignable issue these days, does it not? And I'd bet more legislators start using it one way or the other too.

Odd you should say that.  Here is a very good, fresh and short video done by Mike McCallister, also a candidate for FL Senator Bill Nelson's seat.  This will be hard to beat:



Seems to show a 2 to 1 win/lose ratio. That says something pretty clearly. Course those who oppose it will say it was some other issue that effected the out come. Hopefully, we can use this in the 2012 elections.


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