...and I apologise.
But this healthcare reform.....I was born and raised under the UK National Health System.
I'm scared.....I fear that if this passes it is all over.....and I am on the verge of breaking down and crying because so many people do not care.
Please for the love of god demand to your friends and family that they wake up and see what is going on.
What is the primary means that will be used to support the new health care plan? The income tax via one method or another. Primarily taxing businesses out of existence so that the government will not have to tax the public directly.
If we had FairTax in place, we would clearly see first hand how it effects everyone in this country.
*Moderators - please feel free to delete this, I know it is not FairTax related....but I kindly ask that it is left up until the votes in the house are cast. Thank you*
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