Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

I just saw this in an Amazon search. It's the Pocket Idiot's Guide to The FairTax. Written by Ken Clark, a CFP. I did a little research, and his website is http://www.kenclarkcfp.com I don't see anything about the book on his site though. I am still trying to determine if the book is positive or negative towards the FairTax. Someone may want to see if they can find it the next time they are in a book store.

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Here's a little more info: 208 pages, published 2/1/10, SRP $9.95, Overview:

"In recent years, the FairTax has gained a lot of attention, but for the vast majority of Americans, there's a sense that there's still too little unbiased information on which to make an informed decision. The Pocket Idiot's Guide(tm) to the FairTax seeks to change that. In this book, readers get answers to all of the questions they have about the FairTax, including:

*What it is, how it's calculated, and who pays what
*Comparisons with other tax systems
*Economic and political effects of the FairTax
*Common misconceptions
*What supporters and opponents have to say
*Moral issues associated with the FairTax
*Author is a certified financial planner"
Just found a copy at Borders Books and am starting to go through it. I found one error very quickly. He states the bill was introduced in1999 and it had 54 Co-Sponsors, but only one was Democrat. I sent him an e-mail about this and will post his response if he answers.

I went to Thomas.gov a few weeks ago and found this information. It was in another one of the threads on this site.

HR-2525 was introduced on 7/14/1999 into the 106th congress. At the end of that session, there were seven Co-Sponsors. Four were Republicans and three were Democrats. HR-2525 was reintroduced into the 107th congress on 7/17/2001. All the Co-Sponsors from the prior session also signed on to this bill. When the bill was reintroduced into the 108th congress (HR-25) on 1/7/2003 the only Democrat to sign on was Rep Collin Peterson (MN-7). The minority leader (Nancy P) had put the word out that no Democrat should be a Co-Sponsor of this bill.

The Fair Tax bill had 7 Co-Sponsors in both the 106th and 107th sessions. The number jumper to 54 by the end of the 108th session. (If the minority leader is against it, the Republican Reps started looking at it!) The 109th session ended with 58 Co-Sponsors including one Democrat (from OK-2). It should be noted that "The Fair Tax Book" was released in August of 2005 and "FairTax: The Truth" was released in 2008. The 110th Congress ended (Dec 2008) with 72 Co-Sponsors!

I shall follow up later.
Ken Clark responded to say he will look into this and will make any necessary corrections on the next printing.
We have the book in the Houston office and while the author doesn't cover all the benefits of the FairTax it does seem to be a pretty even handed look at the bill and comparison to the current system.

All in all it seems like a good book to add to FairTax awareness.
good deal.


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