Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Business Owners for the Fair Tax


Business Owners for the Fair Tax

This group is to provide business owners a venue to exchange ideas as to how they can use their business to promote the Fair Tax.

Members: 48
Latest Activity: Jun 20, 2013

Discussion Forum

Let's make the Fair Tax a reality!

Started by Scott Streit Apr 25, 2009. 0 Replies

Fair Tax Promotion

Started by Dave Sibole. Last reply by Pat Conroy Mar 20, 2009. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Business Owners for the Fair Tax to add comments!

Comment by Dominick F. Sammarone on June 20, 2013 at 10:33pm

DISARM THE GOVERNMENT AND ABOLISH THE IRS... TODAY, WE BROKE 1000!!! WOO HOO!!! CHECK IT OUT... 200 away from first place for cosponsoring the HR25 FAIRTAX BILL! Do we have 200 members somewhere? https://www.cosponsor.gov/all

Citizen Cosponsor Project
Let Congress know what you support and why. It’s your government, make your voice heard. Be part of history!

Citizen Cosponsor Project
Let Congress know what you support and why. It’s your government, make your voice heard.

Comment by Marilyn Rickert on July 5, 2012 at 12:35am

Tax reform may become a big issue in 2013, especially after the Supreme Court ruling. Can we get some volunteers from this group to help move the Fair Tax forward?

Comment by Marilyn Rickert on October 21, 2011 at 4:18pm
We have begun The Paul Reve Project with is a Fair Tax media campaign. We have a chance to make a TV ad with the help of Paul Wizkowski who made the Fair Tax lunch videos.  We will need to raise $5,000. What do you think?
Comment by Marilyn Rickert on May 7, 2011 at 1:59pm

HI Everyone!


With 2012 fast approaching we need to move this group into high gear. Fair Tax Nation is looking to host the Second Annual FairTax Conference in DC probably on July 29.

The working plan is to have our Storm the Hill event on July 28.

We also have a booth at the College Republican Convention

 July 29 and 30.


Our plan is to pack as much FairTaxing as possible into the three days as possible.


We need your help!!

1) We need sponsors to dontate funds to support the conference.  Anyone who sponsors will be given a thank you at the event plus on this site. If we could get at least 10 sponsors for 1,000 or more that would be great. Of course smaller sponsorships are also welcome. We need to work out the exact details


2) We need people to attend the event. Our hope is that through the sponsors above we can keep the cost to our attendees as low as possible while still providing a high quality event.


3) We need you to volunteer for a working committee. At this time all positions are open


Your thoughts and ideas are welcome. The sooner we get this going the better.




Comment by Steve Curtis on March 31, 2010 at 8:59am
I will be on the Chuck Douglas show, News/Talk 610 WTVN in Columbus, Ohio on April 4, from 5:00 to 6:00(?)pm discussing the FairTax. We will be doing both discussion and call-ins, so tell all your friends. Obviously, the more calls, the better!!

If you're out of range, you can also listen live on-line by going to http://www.wtvn.com/main.html and clicking on "Listen Live"
Comment by Steve Curtis on February 27, 2010 at 10:46am
I am looking for business owners in central Ohio, OH04, who would like to discuss the FairTax with aides of Congressman Jim Jordan. He has been investigating the FairTax, and would like to speak directly with businesses in his district about the probable impact of the FairTax on their operations.

Contact me directly to discuss.
Comment by Earl Mathews on April 6, 2009 at 7:10pm
Go to Main, scroll to bottom of page
Comment by Ross Hudson on March 20, 2009 at 10:58am
Hello Team,
Glad to become a part of the team to promote the FairTax movement. I own 3 businesses, and licensed in another. I will do all I can to be a responsible promoter in order to bring this country back to the prosperity it has given to so many over the years. We are in dire need of CHANGE...True Change. Let's do it!
Comment by Norman Simms on February 21, 2009 at 7:26pm

Good info on the stamping. Thanks.
Comment by Bill Rollyson on February 21, 2009 at 5:58pm
Sorry, the link didn't show. Here it is:


Members (47)


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