Started by Adrian B Early. Last reply by Adrian B Early Sep 2, 2013. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Adrian B Early. Last reply by Adrian B Early Dec 30, 2012. 1 Reply 0 Likes
I like Mitt Romney's performance in the debate last night.
He said he will create 12 Million new jobs.
Can we convince him that making the US a tax haven (no "production" taxes on business or labor, either income or payroll) would make that goal EASY?
If so, many of us could:
1) Call his campaign headquarters 857-288-3500, see
2) Watch his appearances, and show up (viewed as groundswell support) with Fair Tax signs and questions about global competitiveness from NOT taxing production.
A home run would be if he or Ryan at least mentioned the Fair Tax within the next debates (60 + cosponsors, recall we worked with 87 % Democratic Massachusetts legislature) as a possible solution. It would be good (in my view) for his campaign. And make the 12 Million jobs number a cakewalk. Adding 23 % to the cost of foreign cars (where now they are not taxed by our production taxation system since we lack "jurisdiction" for that abroad.
It is time to promote goodness, and quit (mainly) decrying evil. We shall overcome (government overreach). There is NOW growing a third American great reawakening. It will be GOOD and LOVE done by people. Not extortion by government, which CANNOT Love.
The prebate + giving by caring people is enough "welfare". Down with other communist government nonsense. Free up (from tax) personal capital for people, for they know best where needs are.
Ok, I get it: Start multiple discussions. Have done two before. Will do, next time I have another (and time to post it). :-)
Thank you, Robert.
Are these not mainstream Fair Tax Leadership topics? Yes, they are.
Are these not the arguments needed to change attitudes (and politician momentum seeking to not give up power) which is a major factor in not actually doing this common - sense legislation? Yes, they are.
Why not discuss here? Because this is not the "discussion" area. It is the "comments" area. If you want to leave a comment for people to read and move on, then by all means, post here. I'm not denying anyone of that ability. As I stated previously: Your information would be better served in the discussion area where people can stay "on topic". It is not "some backwater location". Look above. It is actually easier to get to than these comments. As I also stated, it will allow people to like and share your information with others in their social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn). Wouldn't that make more sense?
I believe the reason you're not getting the proper feedback on your work now is because you're posting the work in a bottomless queue. People do not want to sift through comment after comment trying to determine which comments belong to which discussion. And rightly so. It is difficult and time consuming. So what they do is read your statement, silently agree/disagree with it and move on.
If, however, you were to post your discussion topic in a discussion thread, we can keep the subject on topic and probably have more success in getting others to comment as well.
- Robert
Why not discuss here? Are these not mainstream Fair Tax Leadership topics? Are these not the arguments needed to change attitudes (and politician momentum seeking to not give up power) which is a major factor in not actually doing this common - sense legislation?
I have been wanting feedback. And I am open to this being elsewhere (you want in some backwater location?) if it makes sense. Please explain why. I am willing to (thankfully) accept reasonable rebuke. Even publicly.
This is just a suggestion, Adrian. But I think your messages would be much better served as a discussion (link above). Doing so would allow others to comment on, and discuss with you, your topics; and, would allow others to 'like' and share your information with their social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. (which could potentially bring in new members). Again, just a suggestion, thanks for all your hard work.
Beware The Hypocrisy of Politicians
There is a problem with Representative Hank Johnson of GA standing physically with Fair Tax people, but not supporting the Fair Tax.
Could that be hypocrisy (as most politicians who want power and pretend with "nice words" to care what some group says, especially just before election)?
Georgians should vote him out of office unless he figures out quickly what the Fair Tax is, the importance, and co-sponsors it now. That is, in my opinion.
Will some Georgian(s) help him do that?
Fair Tax: American or Partisan?
Marv Kuhn and others have called for "reaching across the isle" (my words I think, not his) to seek Fair Tax support from Democrats / Liberals.
Believe it or not, I did also a while back (and still want that if it can work).
Here is a ray of hope from Democratic Representative Hank Johnson (D) GA-04 on Listening to Fair Taxers. He said in part:
"Unfortunately, the special interests who have written the current tax code to their own benefit wield enormous influence over the Republican and, to a lesser extent, the Democratic parties. Campaign contributions and corporate spending to influence elections play an outsize role in shaping public policy in America. Without fundamental campaign finance reform, entrenched special interests will continue to spend enormous sums of money to protect the current tax policies. This is why, despite the fact that the typical FairTax supporter votes Republican or Libertarian, the FairTax has never been the subject of serious discussion in Congress even though Republicans have controlled the House for 16 of the last 20 years."
Left and Right; Conservative and Liberal do not work any more. I think Congressman Johnson is correct that Republicans have sold out the Fair Tax to special interest Lobbyists. May we find common ground with others of various political persuasions to bring sanity (simplicity, understanding, and freedom to produce) to the tax code. It ONLY MAKES SENSE to do so.
Be they Republican, Democrat, Independent, or whatever.
And throw out Republican (or Democrat) bums who care only about their campaign contributions and power.
The Fair Tax is an American thing, not bowing to race, creed, or political leanings about size of government (to the extent there is a reason for a given particular part thereof or "bureau", like the IRS). Or purpose of (big) Government (redistribute wealth, or bomb "enemies" and enforce "moral" standards).
If we did this (enact the Fair Tax) we would see much improve for all Americans, and I bet we would even get along better again. That would be wonderful and refreshing. Bring it on. My we all work together as Americans to bring on the Fair Tax.
The big problem with phasing in the Fair Tax (see comments below) is that this does not solve for five years (in 5 year phase - in) the problem of indentured accounting slavery to the IRS. We still would have to pay for the Internal Revenue "Service" wasting taxpayer time and tax money when the Fair Tax is a better way.
We need the Fair Tax now. Full strength, so everything gets better quickly.
Now the automatic phase - out of spending the average taxpayer does not want to pay for, THAT should be done in some form and time-frame. Likely faster than proposed below.
Once people see the benefits of "some" reduced deficit spending, we may see other programs purposely cut to make "budget" room for either programs we want, or just pay down national debt. Once we get to a balanced budget, the automatic cuts could cease. We are again a "responsible" nation then.
Economic growth from the Fair Tax of course, massively helps the budget issues (1) By more tax revenue and (2) less drain on social services.
The revenue solution is obvious. The Fair Tax.
Phasing In The Fair Tax
Michael McCaul (my representative, and a Fair Tax supporter) wrote this:
Starting Sunday, the United States will hold the distinction of having the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Japan, which presently has the highest rate of 39.5%, is following the lead of many other developed nations and lowering its rate to become more competitive and encourage economic growth. This will leave the U.S. rate at the top of the list at 39.2%
It echoes a Fair Tax email. But this means two things:
1) We tax production in a declining economic climate. Have we lost our minds? We need (exclusively) the Fair (consumption) Tax.
2) This means we likely spend way too much. Especially considering the debt, and borrowing rate (due to excess spending over tax revenue in the 40 % range. Have we lost our minds? I think we should start "algorithmically" reducing spending EQUALLY ON EVERYTHING. And allow modest increases using a set PORTION of the cuts, on only programs citizens tell our legislators we ACTUALLY WANT !!! Not what politicians and lobbyists want. This could be done slowly (say 2% / year reductions, and half of that amount "restoration" where citizens want it, per year).
3) We have blog(s) on Fair Tax Nation about (for example) 9 9 9 from Herman Cain and other measures (as a start, moving TOWARD the Fair Tax).
I propose, in the mean time, that we selectively cut taxes in areas that retard our economic progress. Business and Income (plus especially FICA) taxes. Some each year. AND SELECTIVELY add back PART of those taxes AS A SALES TAX ONLY. One that helps US competitiveness and grows the economy to replace the lower total tax rate.
One example of this could be to build a Fair Tax (as in the existing proposed legislation), and transition to it by 20% per year, while simultaneously transitioning FROM all existing tax forms 20% per year. After 3 years, we would have 60 % Fair Tax, and 40% of the horrible mess we have now. 100% and 0% in 5 years. For example, Generation Skipping Tax (added inheritance tax due to people daring to give money to grandchildren instead of their children to save double taxation when their kids die) would be assessed at exactly 40% of the rate (if it applies to a given individual) if that person dies three years from now.
We would do that with EVERYTHING in the present tax code. Phase it out "linearly" by calendar year in five years.
1) Let's phase out all spending and phase in ONLY desired spending.
2) Let's phase out all stupid taxation (of production, damaging the economy and complex messes like generation skipping taxes) and phase in the (smart) Fair Tax. Then people can get used to it, see the value, and make changes needed in their financial life. It might be easier to pass this way.
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