Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

GOOOH (Get Out of Our House)


GOOOH (Get Out of Our House)

A new plan for selecting our representatives. Details the plan America will use to evict all 435 politicians from the US Congress and replace them will patriots like you.

Website: http://www.goooh.com
Location: All over America
Members: 62
Latest Activity: Sep 30, 2010

Discussion Forum

Campaign Manager & Volunteers Wanted

Started by Jim. Last reply by Cindy M Feb 2, 2010. 5 Replies

I desire to run for the District 5 House Seat for SC, currently held by the liberal Democrat John Spratt.I require volunteers to assist in the effort: Campaign Manager, Finance Director,…Continue

Sarah Palin

Started by Rick Woods Dec 1, 2009. 0 Replies

I am curious if anyone knows just where Sarah stands on the Fairtax issue. She talks a lot about cutting both taxes and goverment but I have never heard her say anything about the Fairtax.

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Comment by Kevin Foster on December 2, 2009 at 6:46pm
it seems pretty clear that the current crop of "representatives" doesn't really care what their constituents think about anything; in order to change the system, you have to change the people running the system. unless there's massive change in representation, there won't be massive change in taxation.
Comment by murry magness on December 2, 2009 at 8:20am
The only way to get a Fair Tax implemented is to replace the current politicians with representatives of the people.I must point out the obvious. If we keep electing the same people and expecting different results, by Albert Einstein’s definition, we are insane.
What we are doing is not easy. If it were we would have already succeeded. Remember and take inspiration from what J.F.K. said at Rice University in the early sixties, he was talking about going to the moon and other challenges facing the country at that time. I am using his words to describe the GOOOH movement because once again we face tremendous challenges. Kennedy's words are in quotes.
We must make the GOOOH movement successful and save our country from the perils that we face "not only because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win."
Comment by Larry Porter on December 2, 2009 at 5:01am
Actually, it would be on everything, as it is written, but every man, woman and child would receive a rebate to cover ordinary taxes on essentials like food. No more "you get this or that because you live in poverty." We would not have ot ever declare our income to anyone again.
Comment by morgan davis on December 1, 2009 at 10:56pm
I cannot understand why ANYONE would oppose a fair tax.... across the board consumption tax- It is freedom, pure and simple. the freedom to avoid taxes entirely all you would have to do is not buy stuff. I have always assumed that the fair tax would not be on necessities like food and clothing.
Comment by Vincent g. Smith on December 1, 2009 at 9:58pm
Hi Fair Taxers, if you truly want to change the tax code then you have to chnge the people who write it!! Thats where GOOOH comes in. WE the people want tax reform. Use GOOOH to elect 435 new members of the house of reps. out of a pool of hard working class Americans like you and i and we will change it. First you have to get behind GOOOH and the rest will fall into place!!
Comment by Steve Armbruster on December 1, 2009 at 8:48pm
I have been a huge supporter of the fair tax since I found out that it involved the repeal of the 16th amendment. Replacing the Congress is the best way to get this started.
Comment by Tim C on December 1, 2009 at 8:31pm
Let's GOOOH! Did everyone hear Boortz talking about GOOOH yesterday? He asked for his listeners to send him info on what YOU think about GOOOH!
Comment by Larry Porter on December 1, 2009 at 2:51pm
This is by far the fastest way to get the Fair Tax through and be rid of the IRS.

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