Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Dear New Jersey FairTax-ers

Thank you for your past support, and we ask you to cosponsor three new projects:

1. Purchase a sound system for rallies: $250.00. We are a third of the way toward this goal.

2. Pay for an election-week educational telephone survey into the Sixth Congressional District, where one of the major-party candidates has pledged to cosponsor the FairTax. Polls show that we have a chance to make an impact here at a time when people are thinking about tax reform. The survey will make 10,000 robo-calls. These calls are targeted and, based on experience, should yield about 10% positive responses, i.e., people who say they want the FairTax to pass. Cost of the survey: $1,000. The survey is to be followed up by live voter-education calls within seven days from volunteers like you. If we do not have the money by October 23, 2012, we will not do the survey and apply previously-received donations to other projects.

3. Purchase supplies as funds permit. We need to stock green FairTax placards, white FairTax placards, FairTax pocket cards, FairTax lawn signs, FairTax business cards, FairTax business posters, FairTax hats and tee-shirts, FairTax bumper stickers, and FairTax banners.

We will support other projects with your funds as needs and opportunities arise.

It's easy to get started. Just go to www.FairTax.Org/DonateNJ and follow the prompts. Any amount is welcome. Credit cards and e-checks are gladly accepted. You can give once or monthly. Monthly donations make it easier for us to budget. Or you can mail a check payable to "AFFT - New Jersey" to AFFT, PO Box 27487, Houston TX 77227-7487.

Please join us!

John O'Rourke, Brick Township, State Director, for Your New Jersey Board

Tel: 732-458-9271


Views: 22

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