Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Wednesday, April 14th -
6pm - Registration check-in begins
8pm - Midnight - "Meet and Greet" & Storm the Hill organizational briefing

Thursday, April 15th -
11am - Storm the Hill rally begins at "Freedom Plaza", 14th and Pennsylvania Ave.
11am - 1pm - Period scheduled for speakers include FairTax champions Neal Boortz and Ken Hoagland, and the perennial favorite - "Joe the Plumber".

1pm to 5pm - Storm the Hill! - Enter the halls of Congress and visit your Representative's and/or Senator's office.

7pm to Midnight - "Hospitality Night", - after a long day of Storming the Hill and other activities, take a little time to stop by the Hospitality room. A great place just to kick back and relax for a while after a long day on the hill. Talk with some old FairTax friends or make some new ones. At any rate, catch your breath, the conference is the next day and it promises to be somewhat demanding.

Friday, April 16th - All events will be held at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Crystal City, VA

At 9am - Opening Ceremony, comments by Jim Tomasik, Terry Stockham (COO of AFFT), Mr. Leo Linbeck (CEO of AFFT) and others.

At 10am - Congressman John Linder, primary sponsor of the FairTax bill in the House of Representatives (H.R.25); and  Congressman Steve King (R, 5th, IA) - another FairTax champion and ardent supporter - he requested the Special Order on the House floor last year - remember? Both Mr's Linder's and King's appearance are conditional upon if there is a vote scheduled on April 16 (a vote is currently scheduled).

At 11am - David G. Tuerck, PHD; economist and Executive Director of the Beacon Hill Institute; professor and chairman of the Suffolk University Department of Economics -
instrumental in the development of the FairTax plan

12 noon to 1pm - Lunch break

At 1pm - Pastor David Whitney from the Institute On The Constitution (IOTC) and constitutional scholar, presents "Constitutional Fair Taxation" - this promises to be a highly informative presentation

At 2pm - Clyde Prestowitz, author of "Three Billion New Capitalists - the Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East" - Mr. Prestowitz will be speaking on globalization

Seminars/Workshops (3 sessions running from 3pm until 5:30pm):

Session #1 -
The Leadership Institute will present an Internet Activist Workshop and a program on Legislative Lobbying:
3 to 3:15pm - Registration and Welcome
3:15 to 4:30pm - Social Networking Online: The "Dirty Dozen" & Developing a Successful and Coordinated Online Strategy
4:30 to 5:30pm - Legislative Lobbying: Learn legislative project management and lobbying techniques to pass good laws and defeat bad bills

Session #2
3 to 3:30pm - viewing of CSpan BookNotes Video - "So Damn Much Money" by author Robert Kaiser
3:30 to 4pm - Phil Hinson leads a discussion on the book

4 to 5:30pm - Grass Roots Freedom Riders presents "Grass Routes" - Mike McLean wants your help in planning the route for the "Grass Roots Freedom Ride for FairTax" scheduled to begin on June 1st.

Session #3
3 to 4:30pm - Andrew Moylan of the National Taxpayers' Union (NTU) presents "State of the Union - Tax Policy"

4:30 to 5:30pm - Phil Hinson and Gene Key present "FairTax Benefits" - intended for all FariTax volunteers. Take home some vital information you can use in your community.

5:30pm - Adjourn - end of conference

At this time, we believe the agenda is complete and there will be little or no changes.

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