Welcome all you FairTax supporters in cong. dist. 04, made up of 8 counties encompassing 349 cities/towns. Please come here often to see what is happening in our district as a whole, in our cities & towns more specficially and see how YOU can make a difference.
Congressional Dist. 04 Representative Dan Newhouse
Yakima Office
402 E. Yakima Avenue, Suite 445
Yakima, WA 98901
(509) 452-3243
Fax: (509) 452-3438
Tri-Cities Office
3100 George Washington Way #135
Richland WA 99354
(509) 713-7374
Fax: (509) 713-7377
Washington, D.C. Office
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5816
Fax: (202) 225-3251
One Independent, 6 Republicans, 6 Democrats...
This open seat is opening a FLOOD GATE of education toward the FairTax! Now is our time! Please make sure you are at the meeting on the 18th of April and be a part of the strategy for upcoming candidate meetings.
6 candidates have already announced and no doubt there will be more...how many KNOW about the FairTax, how many will "make a campaign promise" to cosponsor and actively promote it once back there" that can be trusted??? WHO has the track record for standing and defending this bill for years?
WHEELER for CONGRESS on twitter and facebook.
Please FOLLOW or LIKE, the race is on! GOOOOooooo FairTax!
WA State's ONLINE ONLY Voters' Guide for the 2012 Primary
Want to hand out Jamie Wheeler Campaign Business cards? zip me your name address and how many you want and we'll get them in the mail!!!
Did you notice I've been deleted from ALL the Washington state groups? If you haven't heard you now have a candidate endorsing and giving a voice and a pledge to the FairTax. The FairTax DOES NOT Endorse me (thanks to the IRS rules it cannont), but I whole heartidly endorse the FairTax. If you haven't yet please check out my Website JamieWheeler.com and if you are on FB "LIKE" Jamie for Congress, twitter too....
If you are in Benton County find out where your precinct is:
FAIRTAX to the Caucuses...
TAKE ACTION: At the FT Meeting on 2/18 the TAKE ACTION is to contact Congressman Hastings via phone, fax, email, facebook with the message: (the following statement is a starter suggestion)
I very strongly encourage you to cosponsor the FAIRTAX bill HR 25.
Woooo hoooo.... the 2nd SUCCESSFUL FairTax Meeting Held in Kennewick Jan 14, 2011!!! 37 in attendance UP from 22 in OCTOBER!!!
THERE WILL BE ANOTHER MEETING IN FEB....Date TBA!!! (to be announced)
© 2025 Created by Marilyn Rickert.
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