Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


Compulsory healthcare is NOT A POWER GRANTED by the US Constitution to the federal government!


Wisconsin is joining 29 other states in proposing an amendment (LRB-3861/1) to our state constitution in order to preserve our right to choice in private healthcare, allowing the state of Wisconsin to “opt out” of government healthcare.

The 10th amendment reserves those rights that are not granted to the federal government to the states. If our United States Constitution does not list it, the federal government CANNOT do it!

IMPORTANT: This is NOT the same "opt" out version that was addressed in Washington. The difference is that the Wisconsin amendment would seek to eliminate the requirement for Wisconsinites to pay for the government plan.

This is one of many legislative initiatives that will be pushed through this year to stop our federal government at the borders of Wisconsin. This is the first joint efforts by many of the tea party and patriot groups from around Wisconsin. But in order for this to work we need your help. Please call and write you state assemblymen and state senators and ask them if they are supporting this, now, bi-partisan amendment.

Amendment Flyer
Senate Join Resolution
Wisconsin Amendment LRB-3861/3 Opt-out of Federal Healthcare on Facebook

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An update on this bills progress.

First you need to know it has an new bill number it is SJR-62

As of this week it needs to only clear the "Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee" to be given a vote in the Senate. There are 3 senators currently on board in that committee, Lazich, Darling and Kanavas. To get even a vote on it we need the chairman Erpenbach to bring it up or if not the chairman we need one other committee member either Carpenter, Robson, or Lassa to force a public hearing after which a vote could be held.

So make sure you contact your State assembly person and Senator as well call all 4 of the other senators on that committee that have not committed to support it. And if you're really motivated even those that have committed to support it feel free to give them a call as many times they do need confirmation that they are doing what you want.

Note that the liberal representatives in the State houses are looking for a way to not be dragged down by the liberals in Washington in the this years elections. So if your talking to a liberal representative just suggest it may be the vote that lets them keep their seat, of course no guarantees.


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