Go Fair Tax Nation! Appreciate all your good efforts on behalf of sensible tax reform and the FairTax.
had an excellent conversation with Marilyn Rickert this morning. She is so dedicated and knowledgeable!
Many thanks to all the volunteers and supporters of the FT, and may our political leaders (so-called) see the light of a federal consumption tax replacing income, estate, gift, capital gains, self-employment taxes.
Have a blessed day everyone.
Western NY
FTN puts the pressure on Ways and Means with pdf's for a hone tree. Watch the home page. We really need everyone. Take a look. It's simple!
FairTax and Self-Respect (Cont'd)
But what about us? Our ancestors held their self-respect to such a level as to resist the imposition of
taxes by a far off King that pale in comparison to those levied from Washington. For more than a hundred years, the Washington income tax system has denied the right of the bread winner to his bread to feed his family, the right of the industrialist to his earnings to create more jobs and factories, the right of the poor man to work his way out of poverty. For more than 100 years, Washington has used the income tax system to enslave the poor and minorities into a system of hopeless, despair, and intergenerational dependency. Does anyone really believe, if Washington really intended to help the poor win free of poverty, we’d have generations of poor still locked into lives of dependency. For more than 100 years, Washington has expanded, complicated, and obfuscated the income tax code to make every man a criminal at their whim, and yet provide every criminal a means of justifying their booty.
This is not a system worthy of Nation of Citizens for whom self-respect is integral to the nature. This is a system of political lackeys and self-serving bureaucrats interested in perpetuating their own power and growing the size and scope of an all-powerful government.
But it doesn’t have to bee this way. Rather than allowing Washington to continue using the income tax system as a flog to beat America into submission, we can fight back.
We can demand the abolition of our horrendous income tax code, and replacement with the FairTax.
Instead of allowing an IRS to take what we earn, leaving us to survive on what they “decide” is enough, we can institute a system under which we, the People, determine exactly how much, and when, we pay in taxes; The FairTax.
Instead of allowing the IRS to use a income tax code so convoluted, complex, and complicated that they can decide, on a whim, who is a criminal, and who is not, we can replace it with a simple, uniform, and fair system that is almost impossible to “get wrong”; The FairTax.
Instead of allowing Congress to manipulate an income tax code, and us, to enrich themselves and
increase their political power, we can strip them of their ability to cheat, manipulate, and profit from the tax system by passing a clear, transparent, and robust retail tax system; The FairTax.
Instead of allowing a political elite to keep themselves in power, by holding large segments of our
population in poverty, generation after generation, through the use of the hidden and embedded taxes of the income tax system, we could implement a system that is fair to all, encourages those in poverty to raise themselves up, and provides the jobs and opportunities necessary to do so: The FairTax.
The question has never been whether or not the FairTax is a better system of raising the necessary funds for the functioning of government. More than $25 million in research has demonstrated that, without even the shred of doubt.
The question is whether We, the People, have the self-respect to stand up and tell Washington that we will no longer accept an income tax. More than 200 years ago, our ancestors did. Do we??
To learn more about the FairTax, visit, and join Five for FairTax to help tell Congress,
we have had enou
FairTax and Self-Respect
Almost any evening, the nightly news shows us scenes of men and women being beaten, tortured, or
murdered by those in power. Many times, we wonder why those victims are incapable of rising up,
seizing the weapons used against them, and winning their own safety, if not freedom. After all, isn’t that what we, as Americans, did just a few hundred years ago when our rag-tag forefathers fought, and defeated, the greatest army of the age. Our ancestors simply refused to submit to the dictatorial whims of the political elite. They saw themselves as the civil and social equal of anyone, regardless of the station in life into which they had been born. And while they treated others with respect, most importantly, they respected themselves. They had that elusive characteristic of self-respect.
And when they established a new form of government, one which derived its limited powers from, and only from, the consent of the governed, they chose to construct a government that would, as much as possible, remain subservient to the wishes and needs of the People, and forever, they hoped, be prevented from exercising the kind of whimsical and dictatorial powers against which they had just fought.
Having tasted the sweet nectars of self-respect and freedom, they vowed never to relinquish either.
And so it remained for more than 100 years. Administrations came and went, Policies and programs may have changed with time, but the fundamental relationship between the People and government remained essentially the same: Government existed to serve the Public in accordance with their limited and enumerated powers, and Citizens remained entitled to their Lives, their Liberties, and their Property. As they saw fit, Citizens paid for the necessary functions of government and, if they so chose tightened the purse strings of an overreaching government to bring them back to heel.
But, in 1913 all that began to change. With the institution of the income tax, Washington, for the first time, laid first claim on the fruits of everyman’s labors. No longer did the worker get to keep what he earned, but rather, only what the IRS deemed his “fair share” was his to keep. The rest was the property of the government. The metamorphosis from a land of Citizens, free to pursue their own dreams and provide for their own families, had begun. Albeit slow at first, the slide into serfdom had continued, and, over the decades, the change from Citizens whom the government served, to chattel, owned by the government, gathered steam.
Today, government, federal, state, and local, takes more than 50% of every dollar earned. In some
cases, much more. With the establishment of the income tax, the government effectively implemented the policy that no longer did citizens have any absolute right to private property, of which wages are one facet. With the establishment of the income tax, government effectively reduced the role of the citizen from the source, from which the just powers of the government are derived, to the target upon which the full police power of the State would be fall if protestations of excessive taxation were made. Police powers, it might be added, that would be paid for by the taxes confiscated from the citizenry through the use of the income tax.
The nightly news scenes we see of people being beaten and tortured by their own government will stop when the citizens of that country have the moral courage to stand up and say, “For this I will not stand.”
When they possess a level of self-respect that simply does not allow them to accept, no matter what the consequences, the outrages being perpetrated upon them.
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