Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Art Villa - Global Perspective
  • Male
  • Long Beach, CA
  • United States
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Art Villa - Global Perspective's Discussions

Why the movie THRIVE is important to FairTaxers

Started this discussion. Last reply by Art Villa - Global Perspective May 16, 2012. 2 Replies


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Art Villa - Global Perspective's Blog

Withdrawing financial support from BIG Money Interests is part of the solution!

Posted on February 7, 2010 at 8:02pm 0 Comments

We here on the FairTaxNation site all know that it is the problem starts with BIG Money Special Interests… the same folks who block FairTax legislation including...…


I believe I found a better way...

Posted on October 14, 2009 at 7:30pm 1 Comment

Fellow FairTax Nation Patriots… I am one of you and I found something amazing that I need to share. It may be for all or it may only be for just some. So come along and have some fun.

I joined FairTax Nation in January 2009. I have to think I was one of the first 1,000 members… perhaps even one of the first 100 members.

I sat and with you (in spirit) the year prior and watched the 2008 presidential primaries… how our mainstream media picked our presidential candidates for… Continue

Open Letter to Long Beach Rep and Californa Senators - No to Cap and Trade...

Posted on June 24, 2009 at 4:34pm 0 Comments

Dear Representative Rohrabacher and Senators Feinstein and Boxer,

I received a notification by Mark Levin that Cap and Trade is front-and-center in congress right now.

I am writing to urge you to vote NO on the so-called cap and trade.

Cap and trade will be a huge burden to our economy in a time when our economy is very fragile and, according to many experts, it will NOT have a significant impact on naturally… Continue

State version of the FairTax (www.fairtax.org) would make CA a business tax haven state which would attract business, jobs, prosperity, and tax revenues back to CA.

Posted on June 16, 2009 at 11:30am 5 Comments

Dear Assemblyman Logue.

I just read the article in the Wall Street Journal “Schwarzenegger Gets Radical – Terminating the California Income Tax” that identifies you as the head of a task force on taxes in our great state. Thank you for heading this up!

According to the article, the situation calls for massive tax reform with bold proposals to be considered.

A state version of the FairTax would solve our… Continue

Open letter to president and representatives: How are you helping us?

Posted on June 9, 2009 at 1:00pm 5 Comments

It seems that every move that you, our representative government, are making is adverse to our nation’s common interests. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I might think that our enemies and the global elite have tremendous influence in our own government and in mainstream media with the goal of taking away our individual rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness…

1. You don’t allow healthy free-market competition to take place. Instead, you set up… Continue

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 11:02pm on June 23, 2009, Jeffrey Gilmore said…
This has got to be my slowest reply to a thank you, sorry it took so long Art glad your stirring things up in socal norcal is some truly untilled area concerning the fairtax. Hope we can work together some day and get this idea put into Law Your friend to the north Jeffrey
At 7:13pm on May 6, 2009, Laura McCue said…
Excellent post regarding Hewitt. Now I do understand what the motivation is.
At 10:03pm on February 4, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Just checking!

At 8:43pm on February 4, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Hi Art!

I did hear you say you are going to CPAC in Feb.?

At 11:07am on January 24, 2009, Laura McCue said…
Good stuff you are putting on the fairtax site! Keep it up!
At 10:28pm on January 10, 2009, Jim Tomasik said…

I am looking for events to do something specific before the end of the month. Would you give me a call so we can talk. I am working on an idea to get the fire lit on the grassroots.

At 7:57pm on January 9, 2009, Jeffrey Gilmore said…
Hey Art, thank you for your encouragement, lets keep the ball rolling here in California and get some more people to get on the bandwagon. Jeff G.
At 2:11pm on January 7, 2009, Jim Tomasik said…
it won't take to long...
At 2:01pm on January 7, 2009, Jim Tomasik said…
did you get it fixed?

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