Has the meeting FairTax vs Flat Tax been confirmed for Wed the 20th. I heard that it was cancealed. I am planning on attending, but do not want to drive to Columbus if it is cancealed. Do you know for sure??
Thank you.
Barbara Wilson
Hi Donald if you are a traveling man; are you thinking about coming to the Tea Party in Cincinnati tomorrow (3/15/09)? Call me (937-269-3352) if you are available. Billie in Beavercreek
Hi Donald welcome to FairTax Nation. Please invite all of your friends and family. Thanks for joining the Ohio group. You can check "events" to see what is happening. We need all of the support available to get FairTax passed.
Welcome to FairTax Nation! Please feel free to invite your FairTax friends to join us also.
FairTax Nation a site designed and managed by FairTax volunteers to serve the needs of FairTax advocates by providing a place to share ideas, find resources and create new opportunities with the goal of passing the FairTax HR 25.
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Thank you.
Barbara Wilson
Welcome to the site.
Please join your state group under the 'Groups" tab at the top. We are planning a huge year for the FairTax in 2009 so you came to the right place.
Please invite every FairTax supporter you know to join as well. We want to build an army of supporters as quickly as we can.
Thanks for Joining FairTax Nation!
Jim Tomasik
Welcome to FairTax Nation! Please feel free to invite your FairTax friends to join us also.
FairTax Nation a site designed and managed by FairTax volunteers to serve the needs of FairTax advocates by providing a place to share ideas, find resources and create new opportunities with the goal of passing the FairTax HR 25.
Marilyn Rickert