Started this discussion. Last reply by Joe McCune Jul 12, 2011. 19 Replies 0 Likes
Started this discussion. Last reply by Jamie Wheeler WA May 19, 2011. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Since Obama is discussing immigration reform once again, I figured this would be a good topic. With the over 10 million people in the USA today that shouldn't be here, how would your views on illegal…Continue
Posted on April 18, 2012 at 12:09pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
I think for many of us it's becoming increasingly clear that raising income is a secondary use of the income tax in today's political environment. The primary use is to turn people's bank accounts into political footballs by punishing certain groups and rewarding their buddies. In today's environment, the Buffett rule is a perfect example of that. The actual tax wouldn't raise much money at all, but the Democrats who support it clearly don't care! Their main objective is to punish…
ContinuePosted on April 11, 2012 at 11:07am 1 Comment 1 Like
It's truly a sign of how enlightened the Fairtax community is when we see people in Washington trying to make our tax code more fair with a needlessly complicated "Buffett rule" when we all know that the Fairtax solves this fairness issue by removing the "capital gains loophole" that Warren Buffett and Mitt Romney alike have taken advantage of. It truly is a travesty that Warren Buffett's secretary pays a higher percent of her income to the government that many multi-billionaires, but…
ContinuePosted on June 11, 2011 at 5:47pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Tim Pawlenty has just announced a new economic proposal for his campaign. As a fiscally conservative voter, I find the plan refreshing! However, as a Fair Tax supporter, I feel as if I am being shorted. I'm going to attempt to break his plan down and compare each individual part to the Fair Tax.
The main points of Pawlenty's tax plan is as follows:
1. Top business income tax rates would go from 35% to 15%
-One little secret…
ContinuePosted on May 11, 2011 at 2:00pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
When someone thinks of a Fairtax supporter, what comes to mind? Probably some backwoods, redneck, "tea bagger" who is afraid of the "guvment" taken away his guns, right?
Well... that's not me exactly. However, I am a devoted supporter of the Fairtax. I remember the first time that I was introduced to the Fairtax. I was watching one of the 2008 Republican primary debates, when they "explained" what the Fairtax was. I remember quite vividly Chris Wallace informing the entire viewing…
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Marilyn Rickert