Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Gerald Nielsen
  • Male
  • Mandan, ND
  • United States
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  • Carrie Malicki
  • Laura O'Halloran
  • Irish Thom
  • SonsOfLibertyRiders.com
  • Glo Boyle
  • Kirk G
  • eric nelson
  • Phil Hoffman
  • John Wesley Nobles
  • Jessica Wexler
  • Shane Hanson
  • R. P.
  • Matt Nelson
  • C.J. Cordell
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Gerald Nielsen's Discussions

NTU Fair Tax Petition

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy L. Gatchel Apr 18, 2009. 1 Reply


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Pics from DC

Had a great time in DC and met alot of great people. This is just a start. Hopefully next year we can do it again. Better yet, what if we can plan an event on 4/15 on the steps of the IRS office?

Gerald Nielsen's Blog

Las Vegas Freedom Ride

Posted on May 30, 2009 at 9:30am 2 Comments

I just recently got back from doing a Freedom Ride from Cadott Wi. to Las Vegas Nv. I put on 3822 miles. I met alot of supporters on the way. I signed up 17 people along the way also, and ran out of the Fairtax info sheets that I printed up (200). The biggest area of interest seemed to be in Neb. and Ok. Granted I spent 4 hours at a couple of rest areas in Neb. waiting out some thunderstorms that never hit. Sorry to say that I didn't get any sponsers… Continue

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At 9:02pm on May 18, 2010, Carrie Malicki said…
You need therapy!
At 4:49pm on December 5, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
FairTaxers tend not to be people of great wealth (add smiley face here) so we keep costs to a minimum for our participants.

We will post plans on FairTax Nation as things develop.

At 4:13pm on December 5, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
I hope you can join us in Washington DC on April 15, 2010. We are still working out the details but we should have them soon!

At 6:00pm on July 19, 2009, Allen L. Ose said…
Hi Gerald:
I'm always glad to add a friend. I live in Wisconsin Rapids. Stop by sometime.

Best regards, Al
At 10:10pm on June 2, 2009, Lance V Nielsen said…
Also, I change the stop in Jim Falls to the Dam Shot Saloon. The Old Barn Bar has a big gravel parking lot with a hilly access drive. I thought it would be nice to stick to pavement as much as possible. Please give me a call some night this week. It would be nice to touch base with you. My cell # again is 559-3163. Thanks.

At 10:07pm on June 2, 2009, Lance V Nielsen said…
Hi Jerry. So I made the trip yesterday in about two and a half hours. That incudes stopping for about 5 minutes at each one. I figure it will take at least a half an hour to get cards handed out to all the riders the day of the ride. It all depends on the number of people we have. With 30 minutes figured at each stop that would be a 3 1/2 hour ride. So if we plan for registration at the coffe grounds from 10 to noon, started the ride at noon, we would end up at Moke's at around 4:30 or 5:00. Also, there was one section of the ride that I would like to change. I left Fall Creek on CTY D and road that to HWY 27. Then I just took that north to Cadott. On the map I thought it would be fine, but as I was riding it I got a little bored with it. Just too much straight highway. Do you know of a good back road route we can take from D and 27 to J&J's? If you do, could you possibly ride it and let me know how long it takes you to get to J&J's. It will add some time to the ride, but I think it will be worth it. We can always start a little early as well.
At 10:28pm on May 19, 2009, Lance V Nielsen said…
Hi Jerry. So I talked to Loopy's in Chippewa, the Old Barn Bar in Jim Falls, and the Brackett Bar in Brackett and they are all on board for a poker run as long as we can pick a weekend that works with everyone. I was thinking of maybe making The coffee grounds our starting point and head over to Brackett go up through Fall Creek and on towards Lake Wissota and stop somewhere out there. Head on up to Jim Falls. To Loopys from there and end up at Mokes. Let me know what you think. We need to pick a date soon so the bars can have signs made up. I will find out from Loopy how much time he needs to have those made and we can get a better idea how far out we need to plan.

At 5:35pm on May 9, 2009, Lance V Nielsen said…
Oh, I see. The midwest rally is on June 13th. Sorry, I thought it was this weekend. Like I said, Jun is very busy. I also got invited to two other rallys that weekend that I can't go to. I hate turning down a chance to ride.
At 5:29pm on May 9, 2009, Lance V Nielsen said…
No, I am not going to that rally. Something about Mothers day?
I have not talked to the Bracket Bar yet. I know, I really need to do that. I will make it my goal this coming week. I will let you know what I find out by this coming weekend. As a side note, I lost the key to my bike and I couldn't find my spare so I hadn't ridden for 3 weeks. Actually, April 15th was the last time I rode. I had new keys made so I am ready to ride again!
Since I am on the subject, July would work best for me for a poker run. June is completely booked. Let me know what you think in case Loopy's and Bracket Bar ask for a date.
At 11:11pm on May 7, 2009, Bob Martin said…
Jerry, I will forward you the message I got from a Minn director. Here is what I sent him. Can you take it from here. It is about the Freedom Riders.

We actually have a chapter of the Freedom Riders. Our point man for the Chippewa Valley group is Jerry Nielsen and he is a member of FairTax Nation. I will forward this request to him. I believe he has already set up a site for our local chapter that you can link to on our website www.chippewavalleyfairtax.org. Maybe Jerry can help you out or co-conspire to set something up. I believe he is also planning on going to the Midwest Rally. I do not know if there are any other riders from here going with him.

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