Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

John Gaver
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  • Phil Hoffman
  • John Wesley Nobles
  • Curtis R. Pack
  • mark gurule
  • Mike McLean

John Gaver's Page

The Tax Freedom Clock Web-Widget

ActionAmerica.org has released yet another Tax Freedom Clock - this time, as a Flash-based web-widget. Check it out.

Click on the title bar, to get the code to use this widget on your various sites, blogs, forums and social networks.

Click on "Learn more..." to get to an article promoting the FairTax.

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John Gaver's Blog

FairTax Calculator updated for 2016

Posted on February 4, 2016 at 2:37pm 0 Comments

The popular FairTax Calculator (the long name is FairTax Rate and Real Dollar Calculator) has been updated to reflect the Health and Human Services (HHS) official Poverty Level thresholds for 2016.

The new HHS poverty level thresholds were just released and those changes are now reflected in the FairTax Calculator. This year, HHS threw us a curve, but it was…


FairTax Rate and Real Dollar Calculator

Posted on July 11, 2015 at 1:00pm 0 Comments

FairTaxers, how many times have you been asked by someone you are talking to about the FairTax, "What would my FairTax rate be?" I get it a lot. That's why I created the FairTax Rate and Real Dollar Calculator. It's a Flash web-widget that can be embedded on any site that you control (I.e. that will allow either "embed" or "object" code).

The calculator asks for just three inputs — 1) How many adults are in your home, 2) How many children are in your home, and 3) What is your family's…


Congratulations, America! You finally did it!

Posted on April 12, 2011 at 4:00pm 1 Comment

Take a deep breath, America. You've finally worked long enough this year, to earn enough to pay your taxes for the whole year. Since the government claims first dibs on your money, this means that all of your work this year, up to now, has been for the government. But you can now start working for your own benefit.


Tax Freedom Day arrived 46 minutes after midnight, last night (April 12).


Tax Freedom Day is the…



Posted on October 17, 2010 at 1:30am 1 Comment

Here's a movie you have to see. Tell all your friends about it.…


ActionAmerica Tax Freedom Day Clocks Updated for 2010

Posted on April 1, 2010 at 6:14pm 0 Comments

The Tax Foundation just announced Tax Freedom Day for 2010, as April 9. Using this new data, all of the ActionAmerica Tax Freedom Day Clocks have been up updated, to count down to or up from the newly calculated date.

The Tax Freedom Day Clocks continuously draw attention to how much of our hard work goes to fund the…

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Join Fair Tax Nation

At 4:39pm on February 15, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Hi John!

Welcome to FairTax Nation!

FairTax Nation a site designed and managed by FairTax volunteers to serve the needs of FairTax advocates by providing a place to share ideas, find resources and create new opportunities with the goal of passing the FairTax HR 25.

On Nation we are working on many projects. One is our 50 State Campaign. We want to link at least 1,000 active volunteers in each state to work together in a national effort to pass the FairTax. That would give us at least 50,000 active volunteers able to communicate, plan events, etc. I know some people want a FairTax rally in Washington D.C. This is how we build the organization to make this event and many others possible.

Please feel free to invite your FairTax friends to join.

Thank you!
Marilyn Rickert
At 3:49pm on February 15, 2009, Jim Tomasik said…
Hello John,

Welcome to the site.

Please join your states group under the 'Groups' tab at the top. We are planning a huge year for the FairTax in 2009 so you came to the right place.

Please invite every FairTax supporter you know to join as well. We want to build an army of supporters as quickly as we can.

Thanks for Joining FairTax Nation!

Jim Tomasik

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