I got this one from a friend last night and read it cover to cover. This should help us all get to the next level in regards to marketing on social networks and social media.
He Cured his Cancer in 5 days with Baking Soda & Molasses, take enough to get PH to 8+ side effect loose potassium, run to bath room see his site www.PHKILLSCANCER.com, on youtube VitoVern Channel,
many Thousands cured of Cancer with MMS & MMS2 see www.JIMHUMBLE.biz read protocols see testimonals at genessis
Thanks for inviting me as a friend I am Staunton VA community coordinator have been involved in fairtax national sales tax movement since 1991 I was on capital hill to attend meeting when the first Fairtax bill was introduced in 1999.
Joselyn, Thanks for inviting me to be a friend, i always say you just can't have too many friends. I keep busy on several different sites and will stop by once in a while to see what is happening and what I can do to help push the Fair Tax idea to others.
Joselyn, Welcome…Welcome…Welcome…
GO GET all the FairTax Supporters you know (friends, family, co-workers, neighbors) and have them Sign Up here on www.fairtaxnation.com
Thank YOU for joining and know that it is because of you spreading the word about the FairTax that other Americans are made aware of the FairTax Legislation! Now you can help us network at this site where and REALLY gain momentum and get this bill passed!
We KNOW they can pass a bill in less than a month!!!
Please help us attain our goal of 1,000 members per state by telling others about www.fairtaxnation.com so they too can SIGN UP and take part in a movement that with that will give POWER back TO THE PEOPLE & will better our country!
TWO events FairTax Supporters are gearing up for:
FairTax Supporters at the TEA Party Express coming through WA state and
FAIRTAX STORMS the HILL in DC, every local state office and by phone!
Here we are all together making a difference. Standing together as Americans and moving to take our country back from the direction it has been heading for way too long. I am working with www.icaucus.org to get candidates elected who represent The People here is southern Ca.
Hello Joselyn. Thanks for the welcome here. When all is said and done, it will be those that helped put this nation back to where it needs to be that will stand out from the rest. FairTax Nation has my committed support.
At 7:50pm on September 28, 2009, Richard Bibb said…
Hi - Fair tax seems - well fair. So it probably doesn't stand a chance of passage - at least with the government as currently constituted. But hope springs eternal....
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He Cured his Cancer in 5 days with Baking Soda & Molasses, take enough to get PH to 8+ side effect loose potassium, run to bath room see his site www.PHKILLSCANCER.com, on youtube VitoVern Channel,
many Thousands cured of Cancer with MMS & MMS2 see www.JIMHUMBLE.biz read protocols see testimonals at genessis
GO GET all the FairTax Supporters you know (friends, family, co-workers, neighbors) and have them Sign Up here on www.fairtaxnation.com
Thank YOU for joining and know that it is because of you spreading the word about the FairTax that other Americans are made aware of the FairTax Legislation! Now you can help us network at this site where and REALLY gain momentum and get this bill passed!
We KNOW they can pass a bill in less than a month!!!
Please help us attain our goal of 1,000 members per state by telling others about www.fairtaxnation.com so they too can SIGN UP and take part in a movement that with that will give POWER back TO THE PEOPLE & will better our country!
TWO events FairTax Supporters are gearing up for:
FairTax Supporters at the TEA Party Express coming through WA state and
FAIRTAX STORMS the HILL in DC, every local state office and by phone!
I'm in Rockwall, neighbor....
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods :O}
Go Fair tax !!
Thank you much for the Add
Mike & Side Kick
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