Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Laurie Hamilton/ Vitalfinds
  • 64, Female
  • Northern Virginia
  • United States
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Laurie Hamilton/ Vitalfinds's Friends

  • Van Guard
  • David Howard

Laurie Hamilton/ Vitalfinds's Groups


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Northern Virginia
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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:26pm on March 6, 2009, Danny Tomasik said…
Hello Laurie,

Welcome to the site.

Please join your states group under the 'Groups' tab at the top. We are planning a huge year for the FairTax in 2009 so you came to the right place.

Please invite every FairTax supporter you know to join as well. We want to build an army of supporters as quickly as we can.

Thanks for Joining FairTax Nation!

Dan Tomasik
At 1:25am on March 4, 2009, Dr. Bill Smith / Ozark Guru said…
Thanks for joining the FTN twitter group. Your twitter link is posted. Please follow @fairtaxnation .
Dr. Bill @arra
At 1:46pm on March 3, 2009, Bill Rollyson said…
Hi Laurie,

When you get time, consider joining the VA group as well. Just go to the "Groups" tab above, find "Virginia VA FairTax", scroll down to "join Virginia FairTax group" and you're done.

We are in the process of forming a formal group in the state and will be using this site to help communicate our progress and organize activities.

Thanks again for joining us!

Bill Rollyson
At 12:59pm on March 3, 2009, Dave Sibole said…
Hi Laurie

Welcome to FairTax Nation!

FairTax Nation a site designed and managed by FairTax volunteers to serve the needs of FairTax advocates by providing a place to share ideas, find resources and create new opportunities with the goal of passing the FairTax HR 25.

On Nation we are working on many projects. One is our 50 State Campaign. We want to link at least 1,000 active volunteers in each state to work together in a national effort to pass the FairTax. That would give us at least 50,000 active volunteers able to communicate, plan events, etc. I know some people want a FairTax rally in Washington D.C. This is how we build the organization to make this event and many others possible.

Please feel free to invite your FairTax friends to join us.

Thank you!
Dave Sibole

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