Stephen Decatur Miller, former South Carolina Governor and US Senator, made the phrase popular during his 1830 Senatorial election campaign against tariffs. He warned, "There are three and only three ways to reform our Congressional legislation, familiarly called, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box". In this divisive age, when the jury box is razed by a Supreme Court Justice being convicted of false allegations in the court of public opinion and an American citizen of color…
ContinueAdded by Kenneth McClenton on October 19, 2018 at 11:38pm — No Comments
Hey Youall! The Income tax causes a 25% cost increase to the price of all goods and services produced in the USA. is it any wonder we can't compete in the world market place? Remove the IRS, FAIRTAX HR25 and we compete with the world. NO TRADE WAR NO TARIFFS,, just a simple act of congress gets it done. Make america the best place in the world to produce products, jobs come flying back. it's about demanding a FAIRTAX HR25 FROM THOSE WE ELECTED! go viral! DOBY!
Added by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on June 30, 2018 at 12:48pm — No Comments
Every business in the USA must file income tax at an average cost per business of 18 to 24 cents on every dollar they earn. That represents an imposed burden of 18 to 24 percent, and a twenty percent on average disadvantage in world trade. End the IRS and every business becomes approximately 20% better able to fend of foreign competition. WHY A TRADE WAR, when we have the tool to compete in foreign trade? THE FAIRTAX HR25. End the IRS and every person plus every business benefits. So simple,…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on June 23, 2018 at 2:33pm — No Comments
We pay on average 13 cents more to have an income tax than to have a sales tax. 36 cents on every dollar we earn, or better than 33% of each dollar just for the privilege of the IRS. Now a FAIRTAX HR25, which replaces the IRS, requires we pay 23 cents on every dollar, wow that's a lot, but it's a 50% decrease in the typical tax bill for every person. SO WE HAVE A CHOICE! DEMAND HR25 THE FAIRTAX, or continue to pay the 13 cent surcharge that represents the income tax. We will go around the…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on June 21, 2018 at 3:59pm — No Comments
A century of tax abuse is unacceptable! Since the beginning elected representatives have sold the tax code to finance their reelection ambitions. 74,000 pages of special interests make today's tax code the essence of unfair! We "DRAIN THE SWAMP" when elected officials understand that we will no longer be abused! VOTE THEM OUT! "Make America Great Again", VOTE THEM OUT! We can do it! DOBY!
Added by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on June 14, 2018 at 2:39pm — No Comments
We hear almost daily that Social Security and Medicare are in jeopardy because of A lack of funding. The answer is simple, the FAIRTAX HR25. Increase the number of tax filers 155 million, to 275 million tax payers and the problem is solved. This happens with a FAIRTAX HR25! No other tax plan can make this claim. The tax proposal of equality and justice the FAIRTAX HR 25! Doby!
Added by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on April 20, 2018 at 3:44pm — No Comments
Yes, I question if it is a valid refund. The reality is I have given the government interest free use of my funds for a year. The money that they send back has been negatively effected by inflation, it is now worth less, and I am supposed to be happy about this turn of events? I receive one check each year, and I am supposed to be excited about it. With a FAIRTAX HR25 I receive a check each month to untax my family on the necessities of life, a feature which keeps us up with inflation, and…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on April 13, 2018 at 2:55pm — No Comments
It is accepted fact that as demand goes up the price that can be charged increases. Now when FAIRTAX HR25 is law there is no tax on used items. so would that not mean that used items I sell at my garage sale are worth a bit more? Certainly there is increased interest in buying used, you can save on your tax bill. I would anticipate an increased demand at my garage sale, and I would make my starting price on each item greater. The FAIRTAX HR25 means that everything I now have increases in…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on April 5, 2018 at 1:09pm — No Comments
What would a national sales tax (FAIRTAX HR25) look like? The reality is, it would look like the consumption tax already on the books and working in 45 states today! Only difference, each man women and child would not be taxed up to the poverty level of spending on life's necessities defined as the package of new goods and services needed in that month to live their life. Only 5 states do not currently have a consumption or sales tax. Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on April 2, 2018 at 3:25pm — No Comments
It's 2020 and the FAIRTAX is the law of the land. I am at the grocery and waiting in a long checkout line with a big order, I have a big family. It occurs to me that a lot has changed since the FAIRTAX passed, everyone in that line is paying their fair share of running our government. Ahead of me is the richest man in town. When he buys his expensive wine, he pays the same tax as everyone else, no exceptions. The family next in line is visiting from China. When they buy their snacks, bingo,…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on March 23, 2018 at 12:28pm — No Comments
Let's assume it's the year 2020 the and FAIRTAX HR25 has been passed and signed into law.
LET'S LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE! I sell the home I bought in 2010 for 100 thousand, it sells in 2020 for 200 thousand. On closing day I get a check for 200 thousand. I take it to the bank and deposit, end of story, no IRS, no taxes on my sale. I get to keep all of my profit of 100 thousand,and pay taxes when I purchase some new product or service. I sell 100 thousand dollars worth of stock I…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on March 19, 2018 at 2:30pm — No Comments
You can't know by looking, they're invisible! By IRS estimate 38% of Americans avoid, ignore, or do not pay their share of the income tax burden. To put it bluntly, a little more than one out of every three is an income tax scofflaw! It makes me angry that each law abiding person must pay more to make up the difference. It's time 275 million voters clicked on the FAIRTAX HR25, a tusnami of public opinion that will awe every elected representative. I challenge you to…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on March 5, 2018 at 4:09pm — No Comments
Many politicians have denounced the prebate as welfare. There is one important difference. The government only has to pay ante up to the prebate one time. How can that be, a prebate comes every month? Consider this. If a governmental unit was to send me a check on January first to cover the cost of my consumption tax on the basics I purchase. I am basically buying these items tax free. But I am also returning to the treasury that same money during the month of January as I make my purchases.…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on February 22, 2018 at 6:09pm — No Comments
Americans are rabid about fairness! The IRS is a cess pool, 70 thousand pages of unfair! Karl Marx in his manifesto predicted the caos that an income tax would cause. Could it be that 100 years of income taxation has caused many of our social problems? Could it be that our founders where right when they recommended a consumption tax as the tax of liberty and freedom? Could it be that a FAIRTAX would bring folks back together? A FAIRTAX would allow me to say, "everyone in my country is…
ContinueAdded by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on January 26, 2018 at 5:26pm — No Comments
Take a look at POPVOX! A lot of people who oppose the currently proposed tax legislation mention the FAIRTAX in their comments. This is a far cry from a few years ago. We will "drain the swamp" and with it the IRS and the most un American idea ever the Income Tax. Go FAIRTAX! DOBY!
Added by Donald S. Dobrosky Sr on November 3, 2017 at 2:24pm — No Comments
Added by Marilyn Rickert on April 20, 2017 at 12:45pm — No Comments
Eva Rosenberg: How Do We Prepare for Doom's Day--Tuesday, April 18, 2017, and How Should Americans Prepare If There Is No Obama-Care Repeal?
Janis Hall / J. Hal World Report: Obama, From Whom and From Where Did Syria Get the Chemicals?
Make Your Voice Heard at The Euro Pacific Bank Ltd / TECN® Chat Room
Added by Kenneth McClenton on April 5, 2017 at 1:28am — No Comments
What Shall The Conservatives Do? President Trump Is At War With Us and We Are Deplorable in the Eyes of Hillary. How Shall We Move On?
ContinueAdded by Kenneth McClenton on March 30, 2017 at 11:18pm — No Comments
Brian Trascher, Senior Partner, Gulf South Strategies USA: "Laws and Sausage. You Never Want To See Either One Get Made"
Lonnie C. Poindexter, Lion Chasers Radio Show Host, and Urban Family Communications Washington, DC Correspondent
We Release the Kraken! Ralph J.…
ContinueAdded by Kenneth McClenton on March 30, 2017 at 2:49am — No Comments
Trump's American Climate Change: E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., Founder & National Spokesman, The Cornwall Alliance
Janis Hall / J. Hal World Report: The French Police Are Just Making Everyone Angry These Days
Make Your Voice Heard at The Euro Pacific Bank Ltd / TECN® Chat Room
Added by Kenneth McClenton on March 29, 2017 at 8:22am — No Comments
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