Hi Marilyn,
I enjoyed talking to you earlier today about how to implement our Boortz project now that the "Local Leaders" section of the website is expected to be down for quite some time.
As I mentioned to you Doug Dash, my wife Carol, & I were planning to personally contact (preferrably by telephone) local leaders in areas where The Neal Boortz Radio Program is not heard to see if we could generate interest in FairTax supporters contacting radio stations to see if…
Added by Marilyn Rickert on January 30, 2009 at 8:25pm —
The biggest mistake this movement is making is aligning itself with one party. For the most part I'm not a conservative and I sure as hell am not a Republican. I am an American with a brain.
I look at issues point by point not by blanket ideologies or belief systems. Because of this I don't get offended by the conservative or Republican raving that goes on when it comes to this topic. But I know a lot of people that I have sent to sites on FAIRTAX have been totally turned off by some…
Added by Ken White Jr on January 30, 2009 at 10:20am —
June 18, 2004 Audio CD - FairTax Conference a Complete Success!
Our June 18, 2004 FairTax conference in Monroeville was a complete success. 400+ citizens attended to learn about HR 25 and its potential for this economy. Thank you so much to Quinn & Rose from 104.7FM warroom.com, for their radio support. If you would like to hear the FairTax conference speeches from Tom Wright, Bill Rollyson, Jim Quinn and Rose Tennent, you may…
Added by Mary Fabian on January 29, 2009 at 3:57pm —
1 Comment
I have been on this and the fairtax site for over a year - and if memory serves me correctly, only one event at North Hills in Durham. Now I spent most of last summer in the hospital due to a motorcycle accident, HOWEVER, I cannot help but feel that we in the Raleigh/Durham area are FAILING misserably on getting the word out! I speak of the fair tax in my toast masters club (www.vimeo.com - search HITM) and I spend and enourmous amout of time and money getting the word out. If we had any…
Added by T.K. & Lucie on January 29, 2009 at 3:16pm —
Added by The Mad Irish Man on January 27, 2009 at 5:17pm —
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The RNC has a website dedicated to soliciting ideas from the public to "Rebuild the Party". Right now the top idea is "Enact the FairTax HR-25" with 5,138 votes. The number two idea has 4,712 votes. Incidently, the number five idea is another FairTax offering with 2,296 votes. When I first submitted my votes the FairTax was far behind, buried under a mountain of other ideas. The FairTax is certainly not limited to the RNC for support, but it's great to see it do this well on their website poll.
Added by Douglas Daniel McCue on January 26, 2009 at 12:51pm —
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2008-01-25 E-mail to: Michael Medvid:
'Heard you on Friday talking to a 'tax expert.' I was disappointed that neither you nor he seem to be aware of the 'FairTax' principle that nearly all INCOME TAXES plus PAYROLL TAXES are paid by everybody who makes a RETAIL PURCHASE. The only POSSIBLE source of any INCOME TAX or PAYROLL TAX, is the EMBEDDED TAX (23% if figured inclusively, 29% if figured exclusively) necessarily included in the price of everything we buy.
Added by Peter V Locke on January 26, 2009 at 10:47am —
The following is not a new idea, but I believe it would be a new idea for the Fair Tax grassroots movement, and once we put our twist on it and refine the efforts, I believe could very well be something that could set this movement ablaze across the entire United States in a very short period of time.
Here's the thought; Everyone involved in the presidential races over the past few years has seen the efforts of these candidates to put together "neighborhood" block parties for their…
Added by Dennis Keller on January 25, 2009 at 10:12pm —
The Best Stimulus Package
The President and the new Congress seem to be seriously considering a stimulus package to “jump-start” the economy, which could approach $1,000,000,000,000 – that’s a TRILLION $s! Of course this is just returning our own tax dollars in the hope that we will go out and buy, buy, buy!
As usual our Washington politicians have completely overlooked the BEST plan that has been in committee for several years. It is HR25/S296, THE FAIR TAX ACT (FTA). With the…
Added by Jim Plair on January 25, 2009 at 1:30pm —
Saxby Chambliss Introduced S. 296 (Repeal present tax system and go to FairTax)
Complete Bill Text is not yet available.
If we want this bill to have any chance to move forward, then we should contact our Reps/Senators, and Saxby Chambliss now.
Go here for GovTrack page about the bill: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-296
This has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee.
Go here for Senate Finance Committee… Continue
Added by SassyJan on January 23, 2009 at 4:29pm —
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I believe this came from an old analysis of what challenges and rewards passing the FairTax would bring and it encouraged me.
"Success will mean the passage of the single most significant domestic policy act since the income tax itself was passed in 1913... The political legacy of taking on the federal income tax is hard to overstate. It is perhaps the most reviled law in the country, and to do battle with it in a bold, sweeping fashion will be a landmark event, showing extraordinary…
Added by Aaron Schutte on January 23, 2009 at 2:14pm —
1 Comment
I follow the stocks... too closely... and, it isn't pretty. Many of the companies that are tanking the market are mega-orgs - some of which are too big to fail. At least that's what we are told.
How does a company get "to big to fail"? Well, by getting special treatment. That's how. And it isn't just special treatment from the latest…
Added by Art Villa - Global Perspective on January 22, 2009 at 5:42pm —
1 Comment
Please Join us tonight where I will interview Mike Rogers (R-AL 3rd) Live tonight
P.S. We've sent as many folks over as we can find!
Added by The Mad Irish Man on January 20, 2009 at 6:19pm —
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By Ron Martz
(from the blog: http://justthewriteword.blogspot.com)
The arguments being offered in support of President-elect Barack Obama's choice of Leon Panetta to be CIA director are laughably disingenuous at best and downright scary at worst.
Panetta is the former White House chief of staff under Bill Clinton, a former Congressman from California, and a certified policy wonk. Obama has decided that this aging remnant from a previous administration is the best…
Added by Ron Martz on January 20, 2009 at 1:09pm —
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FairTax leaders, As you know The FairTax Act of 2009 was introduced to Congress again as HR 25. Our thanks to Congressman Linder’s office for that and we’re still waiting to see what the Senate bill will be. It was very encouraging to see a record number of original co-sponsors and others sign on even since then. Some emails have already gone out about the sunset language at the end of the new bill (Section 401) and we expect that portion to ease some…
Added by Jim Tomasik on January 18, 2009 at 10:00am —
Employment Stimulus
Stop Taxing American Labor
Why penalize employers for having workers? All the income and social security taxes an employee pays on wages comes from the employer. The employer must also pay his share of the worker’s Social Security. Then there are unemployment taxes and workman’s compensation taxes because he employs workers. At least two thirds of our nation’s income is derived from taxes on American Labor.
How does the employer come up with enough…
Added by Ralph R. Layman Sr. on January 16, 2009 at 1:31pm —
Are there any events or mettings in the future in my area that I can catch a ride to?
Added by Josh Gregg on January 15, 2009 at 10:24am —
1 Comment
Do you have great Fairtax news in your state? Send me the link and I will talk about at
Added by James A. Hodges on January 15, 2009 at 1:37am —
With having posted on the Obama website, change.gov, I just received an email with more ways to give ideas to him.
From the email:
We wanted to tell you about a new feature on Change.gov which lets you bring your ideas directly to the President.
It's called the Citizen's Briefing Book, and it's an online forum where you can share your ideas, and rate or offer comments on the ideas of others.
This link is from searching for Fair Tax on the…
Added by Stephanie Sharp on January 14, 2009 at 3:25pm —
On my way to pick up my son from preschool, I heard a segment on the Michael Medved show where the caller was really tweeked that he got paid $8/hour for caring for the elderly while the auto workers were making $75/hr (probably inclusive of union dues - I just don't know).
He indicated that one way out of the economic problem is to raise the pay at the lower rungs which would put more money in the pockets of the less fortunate to help…
Added by Art Villa - Global Perspective on January 13, 2009 at 6:36pm —