Added by Elmer Eugene O'Neill on August 31, 2009 at 9:14pm —
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Why we must March on Washington
Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 9:16pm
Throughout history governments have ignored the rights of citizens and instead have maximized their own power. Those in public office have used it for their own personal gain, or to take wealth from some and give to others in order to maintain their own power. It is a classic model that hasn’t changed much in thousands of years.
The modern iteration of this is a leviathan federal government…
Added by David Shipp on August 31, 2009 at 7:48pm —
We have been on the web radio for several months discussing issues of interest and importance to everyone in the U.S. We would like you to join us and put in your comments "on the air". We are live on Saturdays from 1PM to 4PM ET and have podcasts from previous weeks on our site at
Fair Tax is just one of our issues. We want people who can either help us explain our issues OR refute them if…
Added by Jim Kay on August 30, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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So why are we all wee-weed up about health care? Because our politicians are forcing us to take sides in a contest between insurance companies and government bureaucrats. If that were a death match, most of us would be secretly hoping for a tie.
They are making this way more complicated than it needs to be.
Two years ago, I was wheeled in to Aspirus Hospital in Wausau, Wisconsin,…
Added by Tim Nerenz on August 29, 2009 at 12:45pm —
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OOP's I forgot my camera. Hello again, yes I forgot my camera, but we had a good meeting anyway. Colin Malaker gave a good presentation. Beside the folks that were already FairTax members we had 4 or 5 very interestsed folks.
Doesn't sound like many but if theses folks can bring one in next time then we have 10, from 10 to 20 and so on. I believe we will be able to grow three distinct groups in time.
In Missouri we have about a fourteen month window to get information on…
Added by Elmer Eugene O'Neill on August 27, 2009 at 6:12pm —
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Its been awhile since I've visited. Things have been hectic. Work my Family and Fair tax work have kept me busy. Wed night we'll have an informational meeting in Centralia Mo. I have talked to several people and have had alot of interest .I hope all who have expressed an interest will show up. In my neck of the woods I have yet to find anyone who, once they are told about the Fair Tax, is against it.
I am going to try to get some pics or maybe a little video and post it here. However I…
Added by Elmer Eugene O'Neill on August 24, 2009 at 5:01pm —
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Economic Boycott of the Federal Government
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win” Mahatma Gandhi
In early 2009 we threw Tea Parties and they ignored us, on April 15th 2009 we threw Tea Parties and they ridiculed us, in summer 2009 we threw Tea Parties and they fought us.
Now we can win!!
We can rally the American people around one simple and effective plan; we can pledge to not spend one thin dime beyond…
Added by Curtis R. Pack on August 21, 2009 at 1:30am —
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If you have been watching C-SPAN this past weekend, you would have seen programing from two very important events in Pittsburgh, PA -- Netroots, a conference of left leaning bloggers, and Right Online, a conference of right leaning bloggers. FairTax was, and needed to be, at both events.
I attended the Netroots event and I can report we were warmly received. We had a few "I am not interested" and two who were concerned we were a right wing organization because Mike Huckabee endorsed…
Added by Marilyn Rickert on August 17, 2009 at 11:26pm —
The Audacity of Congress
The terms “tax” or “taxes” is mentioned 92 times in H.R. 3200 – the healthcare so-called reform bill that is currently before Congress. Why? Why mention the IRS in a healthcare bill? Well, for one thing, the bill says you will be taxed 2.5% of AGI (that’s the last number on the front page of your Form 1040) for not having government-approved coverage. That could be a significant amount for…
Added by parrotpatriot on August 14, 2009 at 10:56am —
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Hi--I'm new to this blog and issue, but as I see it--we need to mobilize a plan of action consistent with out abilities to effect a change. We can outsmart them if we get the goal defined and our brains thinking and proposing solutions. I am a pragmatist--I face bankrupcy, foreclosure etc and I'm a physician. I'm even thinking about a part time job as an exotic dancer so that I can stay a I'm good at helping people and finding solutions.
So, rallies are great--, but with minimal…
Added by kimberly cull on August 13, 2009 at 12:05pm —
Note to business students: if you have just spent $50 billion to acquire GM and Chrysler, do not pay people $4,500 to buy a Honda.
The government’s Cash-For-Clunkers program is out of money; it only took one week to burn through $1 billion, and now they need $4 billion more. That must be some kind of new record…
Added by Tim Nerenz on August 10, 2009 at 7:38pm —
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I am an insignificant blogger out there who is in desperate need of your re-education camps you will soon be setting up. Much like the communist did in Cambodia and Vietnam after the conflict ended in 1975. You see while I had government indoctrination in my primary and secondary education it seems as though the propaganda didn’t take hold in me. I had further government education for my bachelors and masters degree programs but some of the professors were not as complicit as my previous…
Added by Mark and Aracelis Thompson on August 9, 2009 at 6:24pm —
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The Fair Tax. You might be wondering who's behind this? Is it the crazy left wing liberals? Maybe it's the wild eyed extremists on the right? My favorite by the way since I am one:). Or is it those loony libertarians?
Well with apologies to every one I just offended, the answer is non of the above! That's right none of the above. This transcends party.…
Added by Elmer Eugene O'Neill on August 9, 2009 at 5:35pm —
For all of us who have worked so long and hard to pass the FairTax, this is a great day! Americans for Fair Taxation is about to launch a massive and powerful nationwide program to add hundreds of thousands of new supporters to work for passage of FairTax legislation.
We will simultaneously launch an internet, direct mail and telephone driven campaign to recruit the enormous citizen army we need to win passage of the FairTax. Then we will move to TV and radio. And then on to passage…
Added by Laura McCue on August 6, 2009 at 10:09pm —
1 Comment
Neal Boortz has won a spot in the Radio Hall of Fame. They don't announce vote totals but we think he won big. He made no bones about it on air that he has wanted this for a long time. We made no bones about it that Neal is part of the FairTax family and would get family help. Details to come.
Way to go FairTaxers!
Added by Ken Hoagland on August 6, 2009 at 7:00pm —
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What perfect time for us to be at the Piggly Wiggly Aug 6 at 12:30 For us to show the FairTax, I know this maybe a bad time on Thursday but if you all can come out and show our support.
The bus will be going all over the area for a week it is
Check it out Please if you can show up for this but especially for the FairTax This is in Sanford
on Horner Blvd
Added by Bill & Karan on August 5, 2009 at 6:08pm —
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Neal Boortz is intimately familiar with the Fair Tax, since he authored both books. On Wednesday, August 5, 1100 EDT, he will devote an hour of his program to the Fair Tax. You can listen by going to and click on the Listen Live link in the upper right corner of the page.
Added by Laura McCue on August 4, 2009 at 11:41pm —
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A blog entry on Facebook by Edward Glamkowski and my response to it. This gentleman is smart and has more education than I do but I did my best to refute his arguments. Any additional help on this would be appreciated. The Facebook Group is called "Neal Boortz Listeners."
"Mr. Edward Glamkowski's arguments against the Fair Tax and the refuted sections of HR25 "The Fair Tax."
First off, I must say I totally support the abolition of the income tax. In fact, you could…
Added by Clay Welsh on August 3, 2009 at 7:21pm —
Why tax only American Jobs?
More than one third of our nation’s income comes from Social Security taxes , because people work. More than another third of our income comes from income taxes on the salaries and wages of people who work. Most of the rest comes from taxes on employers, much of it because they hire workers. All of these taxes have to be embedded in the prices charged for things made by American labor.
Now ask yourself! Where doesn’t our nation’s… Continue
Added by Ralph R. Layman Sr. on August 3, 2009 at 12:20pm —
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We are excited about the number of pro-Fairtax candidates who are visiting and joining these days. These candidates receive free exposure and promotion through press releases and speaking opportunities derived from our website.
If anyone is aware of good people who are running for political office, please have them visit our website ( so we can get to work helping them get elected.
We are not affiliated with any political…
Added by Rodney Ballance on August 2, 2009 at 12:12pm —
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