Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

September 2010 Blog Posts (9)

Since You Asked . . .

When the President’s own supporters skewered him in his town hall meeting this week, he dodged their questions by challenging the tea party movement to name specific spending cuts we would approve. Ok, since you asked …

Abolish the Department of Education; leave the money in the hands of local school boards and parents. Implement FairTax and abolish the IRS. Abolish the Agriculture Department, and privatize the FDA. Abolish the Department of Energy, and maybe we would finally have…


Added by Tim Nerenz on September 28, 2010 at 7:42pm — 1 Comment

Tax The Rich

100 of us go to a tavern; the richest guy buys 42 tap beers, the next 9 buy 48 tap beers, 43 buy 10 tap beers, and 47 of us drink tap beers for free. In Wisconsin, we say "thank you" when someone else buys our beer; apparently in Chicago, they go find a community organizer and demand martinis.

The top 1% of income earners in this country - nice people like Oprah and Aaron Rodgers - make 28% of the income, yet they pay 42% of the income tax. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. Is…


Added by Tim Nerenz on September 22, 2010 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Tea Party primary wins give boost to 'fair tax' plan to kill federal income taxes

Tea Party primary wins give boost to 'fair tax' plan to kill federal income taxes
Primary victories by Tea Party candidates have given a boost to the so-called fair tax, a reform proposal that abolishes incomes taxes — and the IRS — and levies a tax on spending instead.

The levy received little attention during the 2005 tax reform debate under President George W. Bush because experts warned it raised less revenue than the current system and…

Added by Marilyn Rickert on September 22, 2010 at 8:19am — 1 Comment

Mike Huckabee responds to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette published editorial

The newspaper refused to publish a guest article. so Mike Huckabee posted his reply on facebook.


Guest Column----“Facts and the Fair Tax” by Mike Huckabee

It is unfortunate that you have consistently written with contempt about the Fair Tax, but have…


Added by chiefcook on September 17, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

Cosponsor #64 added to the FairTax bill - Where does your Congressman stand?

The 64th co-sponsor on HR 25 was just recorded September 14 - Virginia Foxx of NC. Congratulations to all of the North Carolinians who helped make this possible.

At the end of the last session of congress, we had 72 co-sponsors on HR 25. That number represented an increase over the previous session and the FairTax bill in the house had recorded increases in co-sponsorship every session since it had been introduced in 1999.

When our volunteers are interviewed about the…

Added by Marilyn Rickert on September 16, 2010 at 10:21am — No Comments

I know support for the fairtax is not dead

I know support for the fairtax is not dead and more post in support of the fairtax will help educate people on its virtues, e.g. its ability to turn the economy around, reverse the trade deficit, bring jobs back to america, make free trade fairer, increase productivity, eliminate 1/2 of lobbying in congress, make politicians listen to their constituents more, and eliminate billions of hours and billions of dollars spent to comply with a massively complex tax code, thereby leaving more…

Added by Keith Reynolds on September 15, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Liberty and Prosperity

This November’s choice between capitalism and socialism is not about whether you are rich or poor right now; it is about which of those two you wish to be tomorrow.

The inescapable lesson of economic history is that free market economies make everyone unequally richer, while state-controlled economies make everyone equally poorer. Which do you prefer – rich or equal? Free people overwhelmingly choose rich, which is why socialism can only be imposed by force or fraud.…


Added by Tim Nerenz on September 14, 2010 at 8:11pm — No Comments

Phil Hinson, Spokesman - FairTax.org Discusses FT Issues - Listen!

Check out the Forum post by Ben McCoy:

I was fortunate to have Phil Hinson National Spokesman for FairTax.org to join me on my weekly radio show and discuss many of the common misconceptions and current issues associated with the Fair Tax - you definitely want to check this out!…


Added by Marilyn Rickert on September 9, 2010 at 2:14pm — No Comments


Is the day ever going to come when we are free again? I just wonder why there are more people in the world that are ignorant, lazy, selfish and down right dumb. Sometimes talking to people makes me feel discouraged about the future and humanity. It seems that they are so many people that don't read, or maybe they do and they just don't care or understand. I always feel opposition when I have discussions with others. It's like "Hey, do you really think that I am the one who is… Continue

Added by Melinda Loraine Komski on September 3, 2010 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

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