Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Mark B H's Blog (2)

Why the primary elections are so important this year!!

Question: Why are the May 4th primaries so important?

Answer: Because you can’t elect a candidate who isn’t running…

In Washington, the DC insiders are currently in control. No amount of letter writing or phone calling your representative matters right now because “we the people” are

not being represented. Our



Added by Mark B H on February 16, 2010 at 6:18pm — No Comments

The 2010 election is upon us, lets make some real change for the better!

Hi everyone, I know we all want that incumbent liberal removed from office right? We are slightly different from GOOOH but certainly with the same goal of making real change in DC and removing the career politician!

The Independence Caucus, who recently teamed up with resistnet and is linked with ncfreedom.us has the best and most complete platform of any

organization out there with a proven track record. The first US congress winner for The Independence Caucus was Jason… Continue

Added by Mark B H on January 2, 2010 at 6:40pm — 7 Comments

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