Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

National End the Income Tax Day -- action plan

Good morning Fair Tax friends!


We thank everyone for their interest and hope they will register their events no matter the date or number of people attending. We have bumper stickers and plenty of flyers, posters and signs. If there is just one or two people with signs at the right location it sends out a message, especially if it is being done all over the country. Using the website to register your individual event should bring more people out to attend and speak up. http://nationalendtheincometaxday.com/

Next week we have scheduled several conference calls that are shown on the website. More conference calls will be scheduled if they are felt to be necessary. We encourage people to call in with their questions and share their experiences. Next week I will be sending out some press releases to key contacts. We do have a need for volunteers to make telephone calls and send emails...this truly is a grassroots effort. Marilyn, Nancy, Bill, and Rob know how much just a few highly motivated people can accomplish. Last June we reached out to over 50,000 people at at single event with only a handful of people working. National End The Income Tax Day will be much larger, because people are getting it and really want to make a difference. http://nationalendtheincometaxday.com/

Tomorrow at another rally we will be handing out flyers for the April 13, 2013 Rally we are hosting in Apple Valley, California. We are using rallies and meetings to promote April 13 events. We may also be present on April 15th at our main post office. The thing that is most

important is that we are getting up, dressing up, showing up, and speaking up! Something as important as Ending The Income Tax in our country certainly is worth a few hour of our time. Most Americans are not slackers. This is not the time to commiserate, it is the time to participate.

The success of this effort will depend on many patriots doing just a little to show the country and our congress that we want the Income Tax to End and now! If you want more of the same, just stay home and do nothing and you are almost guaranteed to get the same result...nothing! We hope you think saving this country is important enough to spend a few hours of your time for. Only a few American Patriots won the Revolutionary War. Now is the time for a few good people to come to the aid of their country. Time is of the essence. http://nationalendtheincometaxday.com/

God bless you, and thank you,
John Wesley Nobles



jwnobles1@twitter.com John Wesley
Nobles on face book

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