Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Open Letter to President, my California Senators and Representative, and Congressional Leadership

Dear President Obama, Senators Feinstein and Boxer, Representative Rohrabacher, Senate Leaders Reid and McConnell, and House Leaders Pelosi and Boehner,

I attended the South Bay Tax Day Tea Party at Dockweiler State Beach in El Segundo California where I found 1200-1500 other patriots who agree enough is enough. It was encouraging to be out there with like-minded patriots.

We had speakers who spoke of the reckless spending and the massive debt that our country is incurring in the name of stimulating our economy. We had folks reference the unfairness of trading special spending programs and tax favors for campaign contributions that kills healthy competition in both the public sector and the private sector. We are Americans! We don’t want a rigged system!

I, myself, spoke about the FairTax as the best stimulus package that would invite $trillions of private wealth back to our lands by making our country business friendly and globally competitive again.

Our voice was clear during these Tax Day Tea Party Rallies. It is time that our Government stop treating us like cattle to manage on our way to socialism and start treating us like the citizens that you serve by providing common sense solutions for the common interests of our great country (NOT nonsense solutions that line the pockets of special interest campaign donors).

To reiterate:
- Stop the current budget that includes reckless and wasteful spending
- Retract the stimulus package that promotes irresponsibility and saddles us with debt
- Stop killing healthy competition by ending the programs and tax-breaks for donations game.
- Enact the FairTax


Arthur P. Villa
Long Beach, CA

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Comment by Nancy L. Gatchel on April 25, 2009 at 7:17pm
Excellent letter.
Comment by Art Villa - Global Perspective on April 18, 2009 at 9:55am
Thanks Bruce. I saw a Tea Party sign that read "You can't fix stupidity but you can vote it out". We need to vote out all incumbents.
Comment by Bruce Riley on April 18, 2009 at 1:45am
Thanks for posting this Art. I would agree that the Fair Tax solves most if not all of the current economic issues. You can't spend your way out of a recession. It is a bit like someone who has heavy credit card debt saying the way to shed this debt is to use the credit card more. What are these people in Washington D.C. using for brains?

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