I subscribe to Townhall Spotlights which provided much of the content for the following letter. I personalized this letter with information about the FairTax and just faxed to our president, my California State senators, and the Senate Majority and Minority leaders...
Dear President Obama and Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Reid, and McConnell,
The $819 billion “stimulus” package approved by the House last week and the nearly $900 billion version now under consideration in the Senate would add to a federal deficit already projected to reach a record $1.2 trillion this year. This bill is not only one of the largest spending measures ever to pass through Congress, it will cost more over two years than we’ve spent to date on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!
The bill’s ability to fulfill its stated mission of stimulating the economy is also questionable at best. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has concluded that more than half of the hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure spending contained in the bill, such as $26 billion of the $30 billion allocated for highways and $15.5 billion of the $18.5 billion for renewable energy projects, will not take place for more than two years -- long after economists predict the current recession will have ended.
What’s more, the tax cuts in the package are narrowly targeted, with the largest portion going to more rebate checks, a strategy that failed to reverse our economy's slide last year.
Even worse, the bill contains all sorts of special-interest and congressional pet spending projects that have virtually nothing to do with economic growth. As just one example, it allocates $335 million to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Not only will this “healthcare” spending do nothing for the health of our economy, CDC has a track record of using such funds for events like a transgender beauty pageant in San Francisco and a conference, entitled “Got Love? Flirt/Date/Score,” that taught participants how “to flirt with greater finesse.”
Rather than burdening today’s and tomorrow’s taxpayers with this massive government spending spree, Congress should create more incentives and opportunities for private-sector jobs and growth by making our country a business friendly environment. Eliminating Corporate and Payroll Taxes (which are both part of the FairTax bill) will enable U.S. Corporations to compete better domestically against foreign competition as well as globally in general. What we need is our manufacturing and industrial base back. You cannot keep propping up sectors that can't be farmed out to companies abroad - sectors like housing and finance... These bubbles have burst. Re-inflating them would require creating a hyper-inflationary environment which would cause tremendous pain and suffering to all sectors of our economy.
The FairTax would make our country our great nation the most business friendly nation in the world. Implementation of the FairTax would, within a matter of months, repatriate an estimated $13 trillion of U.S. wealth held in foreign lands currently avoiding abusive Capital Gains tax. Manufacturing and Industry would return along with plant buildout and supporting business services with a result of bringing jobs, prosperity, and economic security back to our lands. The FairTax clears the way to wealth creation vs. lean primarily on wealth redistribution which will lead to wealth destruction.
The FairTax would also have the added benefit of eliminating the highly embarrassing tax issues that have plagued politicians such as Charlie Rangle and cabinet appointees Geitner and Daschle.
Please give the FairTax proper consideration as a solution that will provide massive benefit to our economy and national and individual prosperity. Regardless of your consideration of the FairTax, if the Senate follows the House’s lead and passes this borrow-and-spend "stimulus" bill, it will waste record amounts of tax dollars, provide virtually no benefit to the economy, and only add to our nation's soaring liabilities.
Please do take time to learn more about the FairTax. You can learn much by doing an internet search of "FairTax video". Add the name "Mike Gravel" to the search to get Democratic Senator Gravel's positive view of the FairTax. Add the name "Saxby Chambliss" to the search to get Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss' to see positive remarks by Senator Chambliss about the FairTax.
Arthur P. Villa
Copy to my blog on www.fairtaxnation.com
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