Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Kira Watson's Comments

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At 9:54am on May 29, 2010, LouisLCF Levy said…
Hi Kira
Happy to have you as a Friend. Cheers from Washington DC.
At 8:59am on January 24, 2010, Pete Helms said…
Welcome to the group!
At 3:06pm on January 23, 2010, Cheryl Beckner Byrd said…
I have grown children (late 20's and early 30's) who support the fairtax. In order to control the fiscal irresponsibility in Congress, maybe the fairtax will become a reality once the "conservatives" take democrat seats in Nov. 2010! Otherwise there will be no hope for the federal deficit and the devaluing dollar in the years ahead.
At 9:47am on January 23, 2010, Don Shearer said…
Kira I'm glad to see more young adults become familiar with the FairTax. This is a non-partisan issue but many try to make it a republican ploy. The sooner the current Democratic leaders in control realize that constituents are voting based on Fair Tax support the sooner it will become a non-partisan issue. The reasons are logical and many. Those in control want things to stay the same, they have it made! No worries! They will try to distort the understanding of the FairTax as much as possible to avoid its passage.
At 4:55pm on January 22, 2010, Christopher "Todd" Ross said…
Thanks for the Friend add. Look me up on Facebook as well: http://www.facebook.com/FloridaRealEstatePro?ref=profile
At 5:14pm on January 19, 2010, Jim Watkins said…
I support the Fair Tax but I don't know who you are or in what capacity you are serving.
At 6:22pm on January 11, 2010, Dennis W. Conner said…
I hope we can make a dent in the thinking of the American people. The fair tax is the only fair way for the government to get money. Everyone should contribute something to give value to the services they receive. Those that work harder should not be punished.
At 5:59pm on January 11, 2010, Jim Marks said…
Great to see a young adult involved in Fair Tax Nation. I hope you can recruit dozens of your contemporaries to help.
I've been working for conservative, constitutional approaches to government and taxes since the '60's. I was even a NY Conservative Party officer in the '60s, when it was almost physically dangerous to be a conservative. But we had our victories, and at least slowed the leftward drift of the state and country. Now we're getting close to the point at which the country will be bankrupt in every sense of the word. (You California folk know what I'm talking about.) So it's more critical than ever that we change the tax system to make it fairer and less intrusive, and we need more people like you to help us get the job done. Welcome aboard. Jim Marks
At 6:16pm on January 9, 2010, Peggy Kauffman said…
Kira, I'm not so "up" on this type of communication, but we Fair Taxers need to be friends. I'm a senior, retired after 40+ years of office work and have more time for politics now. My native state is Arkansas. Yea! Huckabee! But my family came to Alabama many years before he was governor because of a job transfer. Special interest: I'm a dog lover. Yes, I would love to be friends.
At 9:08pm on January 7, 2010, E. M. Mosiman said…
You look great! We need more young FairTaxers as many of us are of the older generation and the FairTax needs renewed energy.
At 4:17pm on January 7, 2010, River Jones said…
Thanks for your invitation to be friends. I'd love to be:)
At 10:48am on January 7, 2010, Joe Baiamonte said…
Thanks for the invite, Kira.
Now all we have to do is repeal the "temporary" Income Tax and replace it with the Fair Tax.
At 5:39pm on January 6, 2010, TERI DAVIS NEWMAN said…
Visit my site and find out what I am all about!
At 5:38pm on January 6, 2010, TERI DAVIS NEWMAN said…
At 5:06pm on January 6, 2010, Brian Durham said…
Let Freedom Ring!
At 3:02pm on January 5, 2010, Anford Miller said…
I'm sick of it...looks like where hitting the streets this saturday.
did you get the mesg.?
At 5:54am on January 5, 2010, Don Richard said…
Hi, Kira,

Thank you for adding me to your friend list as an invite. Let's all work
together to REPEAL THE IRS and just pay the consumption tax.
Last, year on FOX Gov. Mike Huckabee stated that there over $13 TRILLION DOLLARS banked legally overseas by US Corporations who
do not wish these funds to be subject to any taxes. Can you imagine
what the U.S. economy would be like if all income taxes were eliminated and these funds pumped back into the economy?

Pleasure hearing from you.

Don Richard

Danvers, MA
At 2:34am on January 5, 2010, Bill Conant said…
Thanks for the invite, Kira. Now let's get to work and make the Fair Tax idea the replacement for all income taxes.
At 12:24am on January 5, 2010, James T. Scheuer said…
Kira, Thanks for the invite you can never have too many friends. First order of business is to get the current crooks out of office then we can push for a fair tax so ALL AMERCANS will pay. I'm tired of carrying the bums.
At 7:31pm on January 4, 2010, Eugene Richard Carroll said…
I am pleased to be your friend. Let's work together to get the Fair Tax thelaw of the land.

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