Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

A question for the originators of this site, Jim this is for you...

I think the Fair Tax movement needs to be more pro-active regarding supporting and rejecting candidates regarding their public support of the fair tax.

If you have followed my posts you realize by now I'm a passionate Fair Tax supporter but I'm also an independent and un-trusting of any politician that says one thing privately and another on camera.
I, like most Americans are tired of the bait and switch that's been going on.

I've been to several local events now and I'm noticing a trend.. I'm noticing people like Todd Long endorsing candidates that do  not publicly support the fair tax. People like Marco Rubio, Dan Webster. I've spoken to both and Rubio in specific is now telling people he supports the FLAT tax.

Is this movement becoming like the Tea Party? A front for the Republican agenda? If so, nothing will ever get done. Neither party wants the fair tax, we both know that. If they did it would already be law.
Neither wants to release the hold and power over the American people.

So why doesn't this movement support those that PUBLICLY support the fair tax regardless of party?

People Like Alex Snitker and George Metcalfe, People that educate about the fair tax, not ignore it, afraid it will harm their chances of getting elected or fall out of party favor.

Anyone read 545 Vs 3M?
If you haven't, I suggest everyone read it and ciruclate to everyone you know with an email.

Phil Tuttobene
Passionate fair tax supporter

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