Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

AR, FL, GA, IN, MO, NC, OH, TN, WA, WI (So Far)...Does YOUR State have FairTax endorsing Candidates? Please share & I'll update the list!

     Primaries are in the forefront and below is a list to help you stay informed as to whom is endorsing the FairTax.  NOTE...FairTaxNation is not endorsing them, just letting you know there are FairTax Supporters who are running for Congress. Goooo FairTax!  The FairTax is about America NOT a party!

     Below you may find a district: # / # because a link has been provided to charts, this number is to show you how many are for the FairTax / how many are running in that district.




US Senate

Randy Alexander http://alexanderforsenate.org/site/the-issues/reform-of-tax-code/



Dist. 3 Mr. Dean Black - http://deanblack2010.com/w/
Dist. 24 Karen Diebel www.diebelforcongress.com


Dist. 13 Michael Frisbee http://www.Frisbee2010.com



Senate Race
Don Bates Jr http://www.donbatesjr.com/
Richard Behney http://www.richardbehney.com/
Marlin Stutzman http://www.gomarlin.com/
Update for Indiana.
All 9 Districts were won by FairTax supporting candidates who have committed to becoming a co-sponsor if elected here in Indiana. The only race that we lost was the Senate Race and we are still working on him.
District 1:  Mark Leyva http://www.markleyva.com/
District 2:  Jackie Walorski http://www.standwithjackie.com/
District 3  :Congressman Mark Souder-Current Co-sponsor http://www.souderforcongress.com/
District 4:  Todd Rokita http://www.toddrokitaforcongress.com/
District 5:  Congressman Dan Burton--Current Co-sponsor http://indianadan.com/
Mike Murphy - http://www.mikemurphycongress.com/
District 6:  Congressman Mike Pence- Current Co-sponsor http://www.mikepence.com/
District 7:  Dr. Marvin Scott http://www.marvinscott.org/
District 8:  Larry Bucshon http://www.bucshonforcongress.com/
District 9:  Todd Young http://toddyoungforcongress.com/----he is already being attacked by Baron Hill who had successfully attacked former Co-sponsor Mike Sodrel in the past and defeated him for his support of the FairTax. We will need some help in this race in defending the FairTax.



District 5:  Jerry Fowler



District 6: Anna Little - www.annalittleforcongress.com
District 9: Michael Agosta - www.agostaforcongress.com


2010 NC Statewide_Candidate_Scorecard_M2.pdf,

District 1:  0/3

District 2:  3/4

District 3:  1/3

District 4:  3/4

District 5:  0/3

District 6:  2/4

District 7:  1/3

District 8:  5/9

District 9:  2/10

District 10:  2/6

District 11:  5/8

District 12:  3/5

District 13:  3/5

US Senate: 3/10



informational page   has the candidates names, their stand & a link to their website. 

District 1: 1/2

District 2: 5/6

District 3: 1/1

District 4: 1/3

District 5: 7/9



District 1:  Dr Phil Roe [cosonsoir this session]

District 2:  John Duncan [cosponsor this session]

District 3:  Van Irion http://www.fairtaxnation.com/profile/VanRIrion?xg_source=profiles_m...
District 8:  Donn Janes  http://donnjanesforcongress.org/



District 1:  Matthew Burke http://www.matthewburkeforcongress.com/issues.html

District 3:  David Castillo http://www.castilloforcongress.com/Budget_and_Spending/

District 6:  Jesse Young http://www.jesseyoungforcongress.com/

US Senate:  Paul Akers http://www.akersforussenate.com/issues.asp



District 2:  Tim Nerenz 2nd district (L) http://timnerenz.com/
Dist. 3:  Mike Krsiean (I) http://www.krsieanforcongress.com/
Dist. 4:  Dan Sebring (R) http://www.dansebringforcongress.com/
Dist. 7:  Dan Mielke (R) http://www.danielmielke.com/
Dist. 8:  Andy Williams (R) http://www.williamsforcongress.us/

US Senate:  Rob Taylor (C) http://www.robtaylorforsenate.com/

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Thank you Mark...looking forward to seeing this list grow!!!
As you share what is happening in your state I will add your state and the candidates to the above list. Note the states & candidates will be in alphabetical order just for ease and will NOT state party.

The FairTax is an AMERICAN "nonpartisan" piece of legislation!!!
Every single candidate on this list for Indiana has PLEDGED to Co-sponsor if elected.

Senate Race
Don Bates Jr http://www.donbatesjr.com/
Richard Behney http://www.richardbehney.com/
Marlin Stutzman http://www.gomarlin.com/
Congressional District races:
District 1
Mark Leyva http://www.markleyva.com/
Eric Olson http://www.ericolsonforcongress.com/
Rob Pastore http://www.robpastore4congress.com/
District 2
Jackie Walorski http://www.standwithjackie.com/
District 3
Congressman Mark Souder-Current Co-sponsor
Greg Dickman http://www.gregdickman.com/Issues.html
District 4
Todd Rokita http://www.toddrokitaforcongress.com/
James T. Hass http://www.hassforcongress.com/Issues.html
Eric Wathen http://www.ericwathen.com/
Brandt Hershman http://www.hershman4congress.com/
Mike Young http://mikeyoungforcongress.com/
District 5
Congressman Dan Burton--Current Co-sponsor http://indianadan.com/
Mike Murphy - http://www.mikemurphycongress.com/
District 6
Congressman Mike Pence- Current Co-sponsor http://www.mikepence.com/
District 7
Carlos May http://www.carlosmayforcongress.com/
Dr. Marvin Scott http://www.marvinscott.org/
District 8
Larry Bucshon http://www.bucshonforcongress.com/
Kristi Risk http://kristiriskcongress.com/
John Lee Smith http://www.johnleesmith2010.com/FairTax.htm
Dan Stockton http://www.stocktonforcongress.com/
Steve Westell http://westellforcongress.com/
District 9
Fmr Congressman Mike Sodrel http://www.meetmikesodrel.com/
Todd Young http://toddyoungforcongress.com/
I am pleased to announce that many candidates in the great state of Florida have come out in favor of the FairTax!

Most notable among these are:

Deon Long - http://www.deonlong.com/Issues.aspx

I had the personal pleasure of speaking with Deon directly a couple of months ago and I have no doubt in my mind that he completely and totally backs passage of the FairTax and fully deserves to be listed here as a FairTax candidate.

In addition, I'll include ...

Mr. Dean Black - http://deanblack2010.com/w/

While Dean's website may not specifically state that he supports the FairTax, I personally know that he is a huge FairTax fan and supporter, and fully deserves to be included in the list. I'm afraid I'll just have to ask you all to "trust me" on this one.

Many Thanks - Sean
Sean we want ALL FairTax supporters & promoters & pledgers so if you could zip them to me that would be GREAT!
Hi Jamie!

As i certainly hope you know by now, I am a die hard, fanatical, radical FairTax supporter. These are the only two names which I am willing to lend my name and support. While I have spoken with many others, they have only made a passing reference to the FairTax.

I honestly don't care what party they are from - each of these gentlemen have expressed firm support of the "FairTax". That is all I need to know and my only regret is that I will not be able to vote for either of them.
The attached scorecard is for the North Carolina Congressional Candidates, it indicates how they would vote on the FairTax Act.
District 13: Michael Frisbee http://www.Frisbee2010.com
Rather than posting a list to make the post longer, I'll simply link to Oklahoma's informational page of candidates for you to add Jamie.
please add Donn Janes for District 8 of TN.
http://donnjanesforcongress.org/ He is the ONLY candidate supporting FairTax in this district. We will be getting a new congressman in this district due to the retirement of the incumbant.

Donn Janes.....has some awesome commercials and a real nice guy to boot.

For those not aware he was at the FT event in D.C. where I got to snap some blackmail photo's of him wheeling around a young conservative at the capital on a dolly. Sure to fire up some safety groups screaming for reform of the system ;)

OK, hijack over!!


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