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I just received notice that Simon has prohibited the Tea Party Gathering that was planned for the Fourth of July at the Gwinnett Place Mall. Their prohibiting of the rally has demonstrated their support for the Socialist takeover and their un-American policies. So because of their actions, we need to take action against them, by starting an all-out BOYCOTT of all of their Shopping Centers, and let them know that they are being Boycotted and why! Below is the Press Release from the Organizers of the TEA Party.

Atlanta Tea Party http://atlantateaparty.net

Hosted by Debbie Dooley (404.625.4986), Amy Kremer (678.495.8271), Jenny Beth Martin (404.326.0936) and Julianne Thompson (404.798.4663)

For Immediate Release
June 20, 2009
Contact: Julianne Thompson
Phone: 404-798-4663


Atlanta Tea Party in Gwinnett forced to cancel

Suwanee, GA. - The Atlanta Tea Party was forced to cancel it's Independence Day celebration in Gwinnett, after losing it's location due to the objection of Gwinnett Place Mall (a Simon company.) The Tea Party had been scheduled to take place in the parking lot of the old Macy's building at Gwinnett Place since March.

"It is unfortunate the event had to be canceled," said Julianne Thompson, event co-organizer. She continued, "The old Macy's building is on private property, and not owned by Simon Malls, however the mall manager asked the property owner and I to come in the office on Thursday of this week, and told us Simon does not want political events on it's property. They were also concerned about the fact we were using the term "protest." Although the event was on private property, the mall was able to assert authority on the matter due to recipricol property easement agreements."

Event Co-Chair Debbie Dooley stated, "Our Atlanta Tea Party team tried for the next day and a half to find an alternative location large enough for the event, and with the proper layout for our vendors, children's activities, and fireworks show, but we could not find anything suitable that would have been available on July 4th."

Thompson said, The Atlanta Tea Party organizers want to thank everyone in Gwinnett who worked hard to try to make this event a success: Judi Quigley, Bill Simon, Mark Williams (Printing Trade Company,) Kathy Hildebrand, Theresa Kenerly, Brett Harrell, and George Thorndyke (who was graciously allowing us to use his property free of charge, and sponsoring fireworks.) I also want to thank the Gwinnett Place Community Improvement District for welcoming us to the area, and the Gwinnett and 7th District GOP for promising volunteers for the event."

Dooley stated, "The most important thing to do at this point is to stay on message, so we are joining forces with the Cobb for a large metro-area Tea Party on Friday, July 3rd, at 6 PM. The event is at Jim Miller Park at 2245 Callaway Road in Marietta. For information on the event, contact Cobb organizer Ben Mihalski at 770-726-7188, or visit www.cobbteaparty.com ."

If you are not in the Metro Atlanta area, then please attend a Tea party near you. For more information, please visit www.teapartypatriots.org
Thompson added, "The Atlanta Tea Party has a great team and is already planning for the July 17th Tea Party Patriots Protests at Congressional offices all across Georgia over nationalized healthcare. We will work hard to make sure our voices are heard and our message is clear."


Source: Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#/event.php?eid=58851183436

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I wouldn't boycott until they either give a clear answer as to 'why' they don't want the tea party held on the property or refuse to give an answer.

It may just be a legal issue with them, I'm not sure.

I believe the Simon Co Mall here in OKC is in BK.....so we're already way ahead ;)
This story keeps getting uglier.

Facts that initially raised suspicion:

Using heavy-handed tactics and legal jujitsu, Gwinnett Place Mall shut down the Atlanta Tea Party.
Simon Property Group owns Gwinnett Place Mall.
Melvin Simon (a Forbes 400 billionaire) is co-chairman of Simon Property Group, Inc.
Melvin Simon has provided large political contributions to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Franken, John Edwards, the DNC and many other Democrats and Democrat organizations.
Melvin Simon was a major contributor to Obama's inaugural committee and has given at least $1 million to the William J. Clinton foundation.
Melvin's wife, Bren, is a well-connected Democratic activist who has personally donated enormous quantities of cash to various political candidates, was a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, and contributed to Obama's inaugural committee (to the tune of $50,000).

Then the really nasty details came out:

Simon Properties shut down the Atlanta Tea Party by "asserting authority" on property agreements that had expired in 2004? They asserted rights they don't have. If the information about the expired agreements had come to light sooner, the Atlanta Tea Party could have unfolded according to plan.

The good news coming from this story is that in spite of the heavy-handed deceptive sabotage, Atlanta-area Tea Party patriots will have their day. Metro-Atlanta Tea Party Patriots are joining forces and combining resources. Be there for the big Metro-Atlanta Tea Party on July 3, 6:00 PM at Jim Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road, Marietta, GA. http://tr.im/pVGk
This forum topic is appropriate for this site because it will surely be well represented by our GA FairTax freinds just as the last Atlanta TEA Party was.

I respectfully disagree. The thread should remain.The issue goes beyond party affiliation. It is a direct affront to the first amendment and thereby directly effects Fair Tax members who attend Tea party rallies.


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