Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

We have about 400 ducking, dodging targets in our cross hairs. We will take careful aim.

Wake up all of you sleepy FairTaxers! We've got a lot of work to do and I've got a plan to get it done!

Jim Tomasik

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What's the plan?
One of our volunteers is working on something that has to be completed. Then we will pass it around. We are also going to get the membership here to as certain place before we set it in motion.

We need to get some things corrected in Houston first because they have some errors on their Leadership lists. The last thing we need is to have more intersted people finding dead ends on their site.

Any update on having Houston squared away? It's where I am, so let me know if you want/need anything from me.

Brothers in FairTax,
Here's an idea I woke up with the morning after the elections:

"I woke up Wednesday morning with this idea.


What can be done to bring FairTax into view, and help keep it there? Maybe a walk – from coast to coast could do it, at least while the walk was in progress. My proposal is to start at the beach in Portland, Main, then trek west to Long Beach, California. The walk could start the first of February, and last approximately 100 days, ending about 10 May.

The time of year would necessitate bundling up, but would certainly avoid overheating. Why a walk? When you're walking, you can talk. You can talk a lot. However, if someone wants to talk to you, they have to walk, also. This requires enough work to weed out those who have little interest in the project.

My idea would be to start small. The walker ( I could do this ) would notify the news media that the 'trek' was starting the next morning, and where. Then newspapers and bloggers along the way could be contacted a day in advance to keep the thing going. It would either grow...or not! If it did grow, great. If not, after 100 days, the walker ( me? ) could retire. The potential loss would be very small, the possible gain, immense!

Ideally, from my point of view, the walk would be a local effort. It would be sponsored here in Texas, and would only go to a larger scale if it worked. That way, any negative publicity would be confined, and effort kept to a minimum unless more was needed because things were 'working out.'

I think I could do this thing on my own, but I have some resistance within my small family community. At this point, to get agreement, I would need lodging and meals. I would like for my wife to be following ( if I did it ), but that might not be absolutely necessary. Details would need to be worked out, but the idea is here. "

I actually did a 20 mile walk in front of Barnes & Noble while Gov Huckabee was inside signing books. My wife got 3 autographed copies. As far as drawing any attention by walking? Zilch, nada, nothing.
I still think walks could be a good idea.
Wouldn't be great if it could end on April 15 (pun intended)

Dave Sibole
April 15 at the post offices (or close by) with banners and hand outs to make others more aware.
Maybe the walk could be patterned after the Olympic torch run. I was in China just prior to the Olympics and they had volunteers half run with the torch for a very short distance. They wanted to get as many people involved, so the distance was short. Fair tax supporters could walk or trot with a Fair Tax flag, sign or something similar and then they could hand it off to the next person. Some distances would be longer than others.
Waiting to read about the plan, what is in the works?
I don't know what your plan is, but here are my 2-cents worth.

Every FairTax leader in the country works to create a FairTax Group on every campus in their area to find young leadership for FairTax mobilization - this is the group that will benefit the most from FairTax

Derogatory comments and name calling of all politicians be stopped by all in FairTax leadership. The facts alone incriminate the guilty parties.

Promote FairTax more through every day activities. If you have a booth to sell goods somewhere, put out info cards that refer to FairTax.org or FairTaxNation.com or even http://www.youtube.com/fairtaxhub If you attend school, you put FairTax stickers on your book covers or start a group. At work, use a FairTax coffee mug. If you entertain in your home, put FairTax.org on your disposable dessert plates. If you attend church, you ask to use a room one Sunday and offer an informational meeting to your friends to explain FairTax... short, sweet, just the facts and where to get info. Bring FairTax to what you love. If you bike, join Mike on his rides. If you love to make pottery, make a FairTax pot - someone will ask about it. Find the common ground and engage FairTax from there.

Continue our movement as Nonpartisan, non confrontational... just to make FairTax a word that everyone has heard. Momentum will build. People will ask you at some point. Try not to crusade (I am SOOO guilty of this). Don't argue with people, unless they actually bother to read the book or FairTax.org If they don't want to get it, they won't. You cannot enlighten the unconscious.

If you know of FairTax supporters who just won't get involved, work with them to understand how vital their involvement is. Get them a FairTax mug for their birthday. My graduation gifts to all high schoolers is the FairTax book. It's worth trillions of dollars, much more than the traditional $50 gift.

It's these little things while doing what you love to do that will attract the masses - let's not attack the masses
Kind of off the subject, but I do ride a bike. Road bike. Who, and where is Mike? Were are our FairTax jerseys. Where are our 'Tours for FairTax.'
Peter Locke
Carol is doing a great start with the bike rally. Check out her website.

Also, we are going after the problems with the FairTax.org website.
We have Paul making some great video commercials for Utube coming out today....

oops...Super bowl Half time show is about over so I have to get back to the living room....
Well, Jim, what's the plan? I don't have anything in the cross hairs.
Peter Locke


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