At www.foxnews. com.glennbeck, Glenn is asking for suggestions on what will help turn the country around. He wants 10 things and we can make the FairTax one of them with a strong turnout.
(Hat Tip to John Putnam, MO Co-Director via a yahoo email)
The poll function on the Freedomworks site is corrupt and in need of repair.
It should not default to either choice but does to the Flat Tax and the default is missed by many respondents including myself.
Further, the poll does not prohibit voting more than once, some have. The poll has no relevence under thise conditions.
I'm not a member of the site yet, but I know there is a thread about 'what we need' so post your details there ;)
I'm an active member of the Oklahoma 912 group and pushing the FairTax.