Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Hello FairTax friends,

Have you ever really thought how big One Trillion really is? It is a One followed by 12 Zero's. It would make One Million Millionaires! Think about that. Now consider our National Debt is almost 9 Trillion. By 2030 it is projected to be as much as $53 Trillion at the current pace. That would make 53 Million Millionaires or about one out of every 6 Americans. Who is going to pay this debt and better yet--HOW?

The link below goes to a short video that very understandably walks through how America got into the mess we are in now and the National Debt. The figures shown do not even account for the recent massive bailouts the government is handing out.

http://www.iousathemovie.com/ PS: This will also be aired on CNN at 3pm EST on Sunday January 11th.
This is not a Propaganda video or of any political party or a conspiracy issue. It is a very well documented video explaining the National Debt and what it means to you and every American and what it means to America's financial future.

As many of you know, I am an avid grassroots activist for the FairTax, constitutional basics, conservative and smaller government--but this video was so well done it opened my eyes even more and yes, I believe the FairTax would have avoided us much of the mess we are in today if it had been law when it was written. I am not against paying taxes. It is a duty and responsibility of every citizen. I am against the printing of money without asset or accountability and the free wheeling career politicians who have lost touch with reality and will not own up to the oath they took when elected into office.

If you do not care about the National Debt or how the government throws out Trillions (Yes, did you know the Bailouts are up to about 3 Trillion not the $700 billion the news talks about) of your tax dollars in bailouts without your approval or accountability? Does this not bother you?

If you do not care, I am saddened. I truly hope you will take 30 minutes of your time and watch this earth-shaking movie. I hope it causes you to become more active in what your politicians are doing. I hope it helps you raise your voice and support the organizations that are trying to stop this insanity.

You don't have to have the answers or know what to do to help. Just start by saying "I am not going to accept this anymore" and start surfing to find a grassroots movement that will help your voice get heard.

We can only blame ourselves for the mess we are in today. Yes, it is not our politicians yet they are the one making the decisions, but who elected them?

I for one will not stand idle and be quiet hoping things will pass or let someone else stand up. Apathy is lethal. Apathy has and will kill great nations and America is not immune. It may not be today. It might not happen in your lifetime, but if it does--will you regret losing everything knowing that your voice may have made the difference. Your voice added to another and another then a million then 10 million can and will make a difference. If you do not care, what about your children and their children?

I ask you, do you have $175,000 you can give the government today? That is $175,000 for each member of your family--each American. Because that is what it would take to eliminate the current National Debt. In a sense, each of us has $175,000 debt over our heads beyond the debt we already have for our homes, cars, college loans. Americans and America cannot sustain this kind of debt and it is projected to explode way beyond this amount as the Baby Boomers reach retirement.

Please, watch the video. Skip the evening news or your favorite TV show tonight and watch this. If it does not shake you up, well...

http://www.iousathemovie.com/ PS: This will also be aired on CNN at 3pm EST on Sunday January 11th.

Doug Sleeth
One Voice from Georgia

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