Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

There are three different tax reform groups besides AFFT that are working for tax reform. We need to communicate with these groups and encourage them to look at the FairTax as the solution to their issues.

Those groups are as follows; RATE Coalition (Reforming America's Taxes Equitably).

                                              WIN America

                                              Tax Reform Coalition.  

These groups have facebook sites and webpage sites. Please consider contacting the groups and individual business themselves and share the FairTax with them. Let them know that the FairTax has more sponsors than any other tax reform bill, has more research behind it than any other bill and enjoys support from citizens and business already. Let them know that with their voice, we could enact the very changes they want in a permanent fashion. That we could restore our great economy by bringing business back to the United States of America.




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