Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Have Mr. Neil Boortz, or Congressman Linder approached the National Chamber of Commerce Office?

I can't believe that they would do anything but support thr FairTax! I would think that if anyone would be a supporter of a truly free market system, it would be them. Also, why can't we get more personalities on Fox News to endorse the FairTax? I have heard Sean Hannity supports it, but I haven't heard it from his lips, on the air. Beck and O'Reilly would be even more effective agents, than most politicians. Are they too deep in Murdoch's pocket? I hope not.

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Hannity has supported the FairTax and has attended at least one Rally (check youtube for video of said event).

Beck has said he supports it, but has trouble separating the FairTax from a flat tax.
O'Reilly has spoken about it if I recall but is one of those 'it will never happen' types the same as Limbaugh.

I think if any of these individuals (Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly and Limbaugh) took time to focus on the FairTax and encouraged their listeners/viewers to sign on to it and work towards it then that alone would be fantastic. Trouble is they either mention it in passing and don't go into the details or simply don't think it would ever pass.

Thoughts on getting every member of FairTaxNation to e-mail them using the same e-mail subject header to get the point across that they need to start talking about this?

Not sure if that would get them deleted quicker and easier or would in fact get the message across better...
Perhaps we could work out a system, to encourage, and inspire, Mike Huckabee to do an episode of his show, on Fox News, on the FairTax, it might put the right kind of pressure on Beck and O'Reilly. I think a lot of people respect the former Governor, as a man of principle, and integrity. I think the fact that he let the word FairTax escape his lips, during his campaign, might have cost him support from corporate America. Maybe we should let him know, that if he was more attentive to our movement, that he would realize a huge amount of grassroots support.
P.S. What about the U.S Chamber of Commerce? Are they scared? Or does the FairTax not fit in their agenda?


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