Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

...and I apologise.
But this healthcare reform.....I was born and raised under the UK National Health System.

I'm scared.....I fear that if this passes it is all over.....and I am on the verge of breaking down and crying because so many people do not care.

Please for the love of god demand to your friends and family that they wake up and see what is going on.

What is the primary means that will be used to support the new health care plan? The income tax via one method or another. Primarily taxing businesses out of existence so that the government will not have to tax the public directly.

If we had FairTax in place, we would clearly see first hand how it effects everyone in this country.

*Moderators - please feel free to delete this, I know it is not FairTax related....but I kindly ask that it is left up until the votes in the house are cast. Thank you*

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I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this - I would like to say "fear not, dread not" and as Sean Hannity likes to say "don't let your heart be troubled". However, I'm afraid I can't offer you any comfort.

I just finished reading a book called "In Our Hands" by Charles Murray (he's Libertarian). Most of the book presents a plan for a "negative income tax" which, in my opinion will never fly - but there are parts of the book worthy of consideration. Especially meaningful are his references to a "welfare state" and compares what is happening in Europe to what is happening here in America.

To offer a short summary, he describes what went wrong in Europe and then how the very same thing is happening here in the US. Passage of the health plan will surely set us on the road of becoming a welfare state, with all of the detrimental effects. Somehow, we must find a way to turn this country around and get it headed back in the right direction.

Just my two cents. Thanks for your thoughts.
Its so simple. I don't see why you guys don't get it. Obama wants to give you every thing you need. Food, housing, health care, transportation, and protection! All you have to do is go to work and then hand over your pay check. You will have every thing provided for you. every thing you need. Let not your heart be troubled. POTUS be with you.
I can't add to this - most effectively stated!
Should government gain control over your healthcare....they in effect have the authority to say whether you live or die.

All I can say is if you sit back and allow this to happen....you deserve neither life nor liberty....for you have handed those rights over to those you now serve.
Welcome to slavery!
Thanks for sharing with us.

What is the primary means that will be used to support the new health care plan? The income tax via one method or another. Primarily taxing businesses out of existence so that the government will not have to tax the public directly.

If we had FairTax in place, we would clearly see first hand how it effects everyone in this country.

Please add this line into the body as a P.S. and I will let it stand.
Of course, Jim is right as usual - and leave it up to him to come up with a connection to the FairTax. Jim's post reminded me of that there is this little thing in the proposed legislation that says our friends at the IRS will penalize those of us who are not "participating" in the health plan to a tune of at least a $1,000 dollars, if not more.

Get rid of the IRS and get rid of the penalty at the same time. It's true, the best defense is a good offense. Stand up and fight America!
I was listening to the ABC news on the local radio station as I drove home this evening. The news is that Obama is pushing the Republicans who might have gotten cold feet to support his health care plan. There was another statement that I can't quote, that said he is having to have secret meetings with some of the Democrats who have broken rank and might not be ready to sign on yet. Is ABC News that blind that if someone doesn't agree with their President's policy, that person is just getting cold feet. It could never be that the President is just lying and wrong? It is always amazing to me, how ABC can push the stuff they do. Doesn't any one there think for them selves?


There is another WSJ article yesterday about Obama changing imagration policy with out the consent of Congress. If ever there were a time the public needs to wake up and start paying attention it is NOW.

It seems obvious to me, that the Obama Administration wants to Bankrupt The US so they can push the world (Federal) Reserve Bank, and world money plan. I do not have all the facts on how bankrupting us actually accomplishes this, but I know it is in the palan and Ihttp://www.downsizedc.org/blog/the-dirty-little-secret am studying it.


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