Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Judge Andrew Napolitano Calls For Abolishing The Federal Income Tax

Today Glenn Beck held a town hall style meeting consisting of a studio audience of tea party goers from across the country. Judge Andrew Napolitano spoke near the end of the show. He listed objectives people needed to take back our country. One objective was for states to call for a Constitutional Convention to abolish the federal income tax but did not specifically address the Fair Tax. It maybe helpful if we can find his email address and inform him of The Fair Tax.

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Joy unspeakable!!! This is what I've been wanting to hear. I missed the program. When & where did it air?
Today on Glenn Beck's tv show.
okay, color me retarded. I looked up glenn beck and got Napolitano on 2/09 talking about a census. Then I got a g.b. 1 out of a billion hits. Finally saw it.

Sounds good. It's what I've been ranting about for the last few weeks. The states need to sign a binding pact that they will only have 4 or 5 items to be discussed and changed. Repeal 16th & 17th amendmts, enact FairTax, set term limits, what else? get rid of UN? thanks.
as those of us who have manned Fairtax tables at the Republican conventions, know, The republicans are running next election on enforcing the 9th and 10th amendments as a platform. We have been trying to get them to recognize the Fairtax is no less important and fits "hand in glove" with what they are trying to accomplish. Lets also eliminate the federal reserve bank, while we are at it. search for 'audit the fed" on Google to see the bill in congress that at the least makes the Fed tell us where they are spending our money.
sign the petition at http://www.campaignforliberty.com/campaigns/auditthefed.php
Judge Napolitano has spoken favorably of the FairTax at other times. On the Glenn Beck program today the Judge did say the IRS needed to "go away". Not much more to say about that.
I believe one way to start informing on the FiarTax is call the judge on his radio show. He and Brian from Fox and Friends have a radio show from 9 to noon on XM and Fox Radio in some areas.
I happened to catch the show Sat. night. Impressive.
I was disappointed w/ G.Beck. Wish more time had been spent on the premise. I filled out several vote thingies, for subjects to be included, on the site. One vote was for a show w/ John Linder.

David Shipp, the petition is very good. I'd like to know how this turns out. Got stuck on stupid after the signature confirmation; they wanna make sure you contribute. Did I hear you mention "912 project?" I tried checking it out, but it didn't grab me. What am I missing?


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