Yes, any member of Congress can cosponsor. FairTax, HR 25 has been introduced in the House of Representatives, all tax bills must start in the House then move to the Senate.
To cosponsor a bill, the Congressman (or staff) needs to contact Linder's office and they will be happy to add them to the bill as a cosponsor. Cosponsors can only be added while the Congress is in session so when they are in recess -- like most of the month of August for example -- they will be added once the Congress goes back to work.
As for the state reps, they can not cosponsor HR 25, but they can work on legislation to repeal their state income tax. We are also working on legislation that states can use to repeal the 16th amendment. More on that to come soon, I hope.
as for state reps, we will need them to when the states ratify the constitution with the repeal of the 16th amendment. some times state reps will run for office as a member of the US house of Representatives
How to get the FairTax passed: A project for State Directors, District Directors, Community Coordinators
Although personal visits have been made to legislators in their Washington offices, numerous requests have been made to those legislators at town hall meetings and hundreds of calls, faxes and emails have been submitted to those legislators, they refuse to co-sponsor the FairTax bill.
The only way to pass the FairTax is to have co-sponsors on the FairTax bill (HR 25/S 1025). The only way to get co-sponsors is by having an email blitz of at least 3000+ FairTax supporters from their district to that Congressman. The only way to get 3000+ names and emails is by FairTax supporters (you) assisting in gathering names any way you can by asking fellow company employees, friends, family members, etc., making speeches/presentations at local Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, trade show booths, etc.
To begin this project of email gathering in your district, one would need a list of all trade shows and meetings by date and location. One would then gather those emails at these events by attending the event or staffing it with other FairTax supporters. The names and emails would then be entered into the Convio database (sent to Jimmy Walby in Florida) for later use.
How about hiring some really talented Graffiti artists to spray paint the FairTax logo (or some cool variations) in highly visible locations, in big cities, on the night of April 14th.
How about pressing down cornfields in the shape of the FairTax logo leading up to the dreaded tax day. Then someone could float the rumor that the work was done by some higher form of intelligence.
Our local FairTax group in District 4 Alabama is working to get Rep. Robert Aderholt to co-sponsor. The above discussion is helpful toward knowing what new steps to take. We met with him in November and our hope was/is that when the bill is reintroduced in the 111th, he would be ready to sign on. I'm glad to know that re-introduction has taken place and that the process for him (Aderholt) to co-sponsore is simply his notification to Linder. We will definitely be pushing for that. (Alabama District 4 covers 14 of the 16 counties in North Alabama.)
I appreciate the positive and well thought out approach you have here. Getting the FairTax passed is the whole point in this site. I have always thought that the W&M committee should be focused on as well.
Could you provide a list of those people again with thier state and districts listed. Maybe we could think of concentrating efforts there a little more.
And Welcome to FairTax Nation. We know we have a good thing in the FairTax. So now lets make it happen.
Well, all accept this. "Suggestions for improving HR25 might also be appropriate." Everyone knows that FairTax is not perfect. I only contend that it is 'pretty dern good'. I also contend that it is the best thing out there by far. I do not want to get our message sidetracked with a preceived lack of confidence in what we are selling.
One would prove to be a very thin, pale and hungry looking new car salesman who told his customers what he thought the engineers could have done better with the latest model to come off the assembly line. He would never sell cars and would sooner or later starve to death.
Leave the engineering to the engineers. The purpose of this site is to maintain a 'laser' focus on grassroots and to preserve the brand name of the FairTax movement.
As far as the rest of it, I think you are putting together a well oiled plan.
We need to go after the Dems in the committee even harder than the Repubs. They are the ones controlling things. The Dem voters in their home districts need to be taught about the FairTax right along with the Repubs.
Here is your Assignment if you choose to accept it.
Since it seems you have a handle on findling this info out, please give us a list of ALL the people on the W&M committee. Top the list with the most powerfull person and at the bottom, have the most jr. members.
I will try to put together a call to action for this effort.
I look forward to hearing back from you on this topic.
I think you are a great addition to the site. I sure hope one person's well intentioned comments don't send you away. I am from the Chicago area and I have taken much worse hits.
I think you are on to a good plan to work on the Ways and Means Commitee. Congressman Peter Roskem is on W&M from IL. I think he is FairTax friendly but I am not sure he will cosponsor because of all the negitive ads run by the Dems in close district.
We have a lot a challenges ahead. Those who wish to destroy us want to divide us and/or cause us to give up. I have been married to my husband for over 30 years and we still don't agree on everything. With strong personalities in FairTax I think we can work together on the things we can agree on.
The FairTax bill is in the Congress and we, as volunteers, can not change the FairTax Bill but we are also working on repeal of the 16 Amemdment if that is an area that would be of more interest to you.
Permalink Reply by Tony on January 12, 2009 at 12:59pm
Here is what I got from the website
Sadly it doesn't give the party affiliation, but I can research further and add that when I'm not at work.
Chairman - Charles B. Rangel, NY
Fortney Pete Stark, CA
Sander M. Levin, MI
Jim McDermott, WA
John Lewis, GA
Richard E. Neal, MA
John S. Tanner, TN
Xavier Becerra, CA
Lloyd Doggett, TX
Earl Pomeroy, ND
Mike Thompson, CA
John B. Larson, CT
Earl Blumenauer, OR
Ron Kind, WI
Bill Pascrell Jr. , NJ
Shelley Berkley, NV
Joseph Crowley, NY
Chris Van Hollen, MD
Kendrick Meek, FL
Allyson Y. Schwartz, PA
Artur Davis, AL
Danny K. Davis, IL
Bob Etheridge, NC
Linda T. Sanchez, CA
Brian Higgins, NY
John A. Yarmuth, KY
Dave Camp, MI
Wally Herger, CA
Sam Johnson, TX
Kevin Brady, TX
Paul Ryan, WI
Eric Cantor, VA
John Linder, GA
Devin Nunes, CA
Pat Tiberi, OH
Ginny Brown-Waite, FL
Geoff Davis, KY
Dave G. Reichert, WA
Charles W. Boustany Jr. , LA
Dean Heller, NV
Peter J. Roskam, IL
I am "freinds" with Peter Roskam (IL-R) in that we have met at enough events that he knows me on sight and knows I am with FairTax. We presented FairTax to his tax aid two years ago in DC. He did invite me to DC for his swearing in for the 111th Congress
I have met Danny Davis IL-D) several times. He thinks the FairTax organization has to be stronger for Congressman to risk cosponsoring the FairTax.