I've been busy beyond belief since my return from D.C. but I just wanted to say a few things:
1. WOW....I not only had a great time but was also able to preach the FairTax to many people and also see some sights (no sunburn either)
2. The FairTax conference was fantastic!!
I got ideas, motivation as well as sources at AFFT and around the country to help get the word out.
3. I'd like to thank Marilyn, Jim and Sean for putting together an awesome event.
I don't want this thread turning into OTR, AFFT politics stuff....that's been done and locked (thanks Jim) so lets just discuss what the event did for us and where we go from here
Dr. David Tuerck from Beacon Hill gave a great presentation of the FairTax and how it would effect the economy and tax payers...I contacted him and got the PowerPoint if anyone wants it.
I plan to host it on OKFairTax.org this weekend.
I'm also waiting on documenation from Houston with regards to 'not for profit' status so I can distribute the Public Service Announcements to states currently not utilizing them.
For those I spoke to and got details...e-mail is standing by...just waiting for the right documents.
I plan to be in D.C. April 15th 2011 and will bring friends....and here's hoping we can reach out to many MANY more people and get even more people fired up and informed.
I'm already attacking Facebook people who post 'Great idea' and getting them informed on what they can do to get the word out....because lets face it...posting about the FairTax on a FairTax page is like preaching to the choir!!!
Once again thank you to Jim, Marilyn and Sean for putting together the event and it was truly a pelasure to meet everyone and put names to faces (too many to list).
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