Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

I am frustrated to the MAX!  I've been promoting The FairTax ever since H.R. 25 was first introduced and immediately sent to committee to die.  I've been writing articles explaining/promoting/defending or correcting mis-information about The FairTax on my own blog,* in letters to the newspapers, and in several Internet forums I post in for many months now.  Since the advent of The Tea Party movement, I've posted in many of the individual Websites that have sprung up, associated with the conservative, Constitution-supporting groups who consider themselves part of the Tea Party Movement. 

My frustration arises from the lack of interest I find among 'tea partyers'  for The FairTax.  As for me, I'm fully sold on the absolutely positive benefits to our economy, the political structure, personal standard of living, employment, business growth...you name it, enactment of The FairTax would be the single most marvelous, POSITIVE change that could be made to America.  I know this, and have been trying to convince everyone I talk to how very desperately we NEED The FairTax.  It kills me to hear national newscasters and commentators talking about changes in the tax code being considered, and they act as though they never heard of The FairTax!   What's worse, is the relative silence about The FairTax coming from most of the Tea Party groups.

By this time--thanks to Mike Huckabee, Neil Boortz, John Linder and a handful of other significant personages, I think most Americans should have at least HEARD of The FairTax.  What I don't understand is, WHY ISN'T THE ENTIRE COUNTRY ON FIRE FOR IT???!  THEY CERTAINLY SHOULD BE!  The Tea Party groups ought to be giving The FairTax their first priority after the selection and election of good candidates, but few of them are.  WHY AREN'T THEY?!!!  By now, there should be a groundswell so big demanding Congress at least seriously consider the merits of The FairTax that ALL the media could no longer ignore it.  Demonstrations should be drawing thousands with signs and banners DEMANDING that Congress enact H.R. 25, The FairTax!!

It ought to be the MAIN topic of discussion in every home in America, and on all the "letters to the editor" columns across the land!  The noise should be so LOUD that members of Congress would be compelled to hold substantive and serious debate about it.  Mr Boortz and Mr. Linder and other articulate, knowledgeable spokespersons who are the most familiar with The FairTax should be on all the TV Network and Cable Network talk shows, answering questions and de-bunking the false information opponents are propagating.  Why isn't any of this happening????!!  It's driving me crazy!   Wake up Tea Party!!!  Time is a wastin, make some NOISE!  The economy's in big trouble...people are out of work...and politicians are using the present tax code against America!  There is no more important issue that you can get behind right now, so WHY AREN'T YOU??!!
At this point, I feel like throwing in a long line of curse words for emphasis, only, I don't curse...as a rule.  As my wife would say, "Yeah! Right!"

Arthur Bruce Robertson
Lake Saint Louis, MO
* http://www.mywatch.blog.townhall.com

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Well said and truly you are NOT in the boat ALONE! I am however, very fortunate to have a local TeaParty ready to help make this bill FRONT AND CENTER!

DO NOT GIVE UP! Truly it took more than 10yrs. to get our country started and off the ground and where power and money are going to be LOST it could take longer "henceforth" the FairTax takes money and power out of the hands of TRUE POLITICIANS!! All the more reason we need it NOW!

I am from WA state and it is barely on some people's radar! It has been and continues to be a SECRET via congress and when candidates don't get on board to help get EXCITED ABOUT IT...educate about it ... promote it time indeed GETS WASTED!!!

TEA - Taxed Enough Already Party....HELLOOOOO the Solution to vacinate our country from the HealthCareBill Plague the FairTax
Appreciate the thoughts, Jamie. Thanks for the encouraging words. See my reply to Ron below for more of my thoughts.


I agree with you completely and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I remember handing out fliers for the Fair Tax, thinking that at least one in ten would take the initiative to join the FairTax grassroots movement. I have not seen it happen, which is their loss. People will go clear across town to use a ten dollar coupon, but will not, for what ever the reason, join to support the FairTax.

I was recently in Gatlinburg, Tn. when the Knoxville Tea Party were hold a convention. I wasn't able to join the Tea Party, but found the time to buy a couple of neat FairTax T-shirts they were selling. There were several tables of T-shirts to pick from. I asked the gentlman, who sold me the shirts what the percentage of the Knoxville Tea Partiers supported the FairTax. He told me at least seventy percent. On the way back, driving south Interstate 26 outside of Columbia, S.C. there was a giant bill board, flashing FairTax means jobs.

I am seeing more editorials in the Jacksonville, Fl Times Union referencing the FairTax. I keep expecting the people to wake up, like I did, and become an active supporter of the FairTax.

Why are there only 7,622 members signed up on FairTaxnation.com? There should at least be a couple hundred thousand if the web site can handle it.

If people like Michael Reagan, Mike Huckabee, Herman Cain, Sarah Palin and others who have a following would suggest to their audience if they are interested in supporting the FairTax to go to FairTax.org and FairTaxnation.com and sign up as a member.

If it wasn't for Carey Henderson making a comment about FairTaxnation on the Huckabee web site I wouldn't have known about FairTaxnation.

I really enjoy reading discussions like your and it helps to keep many of us energized for the support of the FairTax.

Many Thanks....
Thanks for your positive feedback, Ron. Maybe those of us who've really dedicated ourselves to TFT can keep ourselves motivated by encouraging each other. I wish I could attend the big Illinois Ralley. I think it would be a shot in the arm for me. Your news about the billboard in SC and editorials in FL and the Knoxville groups growing zeal for TFT is very encouraging. I just wish we could get a national figure like Sarah Palin or Michelle Baukman ON FIRE for TFT. Mike Huckabee is for it, only he isn't really pushing it the way it needs to be promoted. It really needs a National Champion, working FULL TIME promoting it.

Bruce (Most folks use my middle name, so I've kinda become Bruce, rather than Art)
Why not Ken Hoagland? He's already working full time to promote TFT and he authored a great book. Name recognition can happen overnight with the right venue. Think Susan Boyle.

I understand exactly how you feel. I've used many of the same methods as you to promote The Fair Tax including handing out fliers at many tea party rallies and to local businesses and individuals in more than one town. An overwhelming state they support The Fair Tax but to date I've had only one person volunteer to work events. It seems many people are waiting for many others to get involved before they jump on the bandwagon. Then again, I live in a very socialist state. Having stated all that, I refuse to give up.
Good for you, Dan. Glad you're on board for the long haul. it is frustrating, though, to see little to nothing moving on the National scene. I too, refuse to give up. Our cause is just and ever so right for America!

Bruce Robertson
Most of the people I've spoken to here in E. Tennessee have no idea about TFT. I've suggested they check out Fairtax.org but when I follow up to see what they thought they didn't do it.
Everything is sold or promoted in 30 to 60 sec sound bites. I feel there needs to be radio and TV spots highlighting the PERSONAL BENEFITS of the Fair Tax (such as more take home pay, choosing when they pay taxes, increasing the tax base, etc) Think of all the ads promoting participation in the LOTTO. There is at least 3 ads every hour. Now that is promotion.
Everyones 1st thought is WHATS IN IT FOR ME. Promote that and people will pay attention.
Since TFT is non-partisan does it not qualify for "public service announcement" status? I'm sorry I don't have the money to contribute, but I'm sure there are thousands of folks who do. The media is useless as a vehicle for promoting TFT. For example, when Mike Huckabee was winning primaries the media falsely represented his support solely as "right wing Christians"
You're probably not going to like what I have to say. I find that one of the failings of the Fair Tax movement is that it is being associated with the political right. That isn't how this issue should be viewed. It isn't a left or right issue. You need to attract the moderates. Otherwise this issue will be kicked to the side.

I'm not sure how that's done, but stressing it to be a tea party issue turns off a lot of other people. Those that are pushing the Fair Tax in the media tend to be right wing talk show hosts. Sure, they have 90% of the market, but its only the talk market. A lot of folks don't listen to them. Many don't watch Fox, or listen to Boortz, or any other talk show. How are you going to reach them? Its pretty much preaching to the choir.

There must be a way of reaching those of a different political stripe. I think the Fair Tax is good from an economic standpoint. Right or left doesn't come into the picture for me. But, I like Boortz, so that's how I found out about it.

Newspapers are a decent avenue as is the Internet. But, again the audience is limited. You rely on someone coming onto your site, or someone reading the editorial page. Potluck.

You have a product here that you want to advertise. How are you going to do that? The billboard is a great idea. I wasn't impressed by the infomercial on a conservative station. Heck, I don't even get Fox. This issue hasn't reached the mainstream. And that's where you need to be.

There is going to be a committee studying taxation at the federal level. You know this committee is going to be hand picked, and you know they are going to push for the VAT. We need some of our economists on that committee. Otherwise, you're going to get the VAT and the income tax and a stronger IRS.

The Fair Tax is associated with the political right because the political left is opposed to The Fair Tax. The Fair Tax is anathema to the socialists mantra of big government while the federal income tax code gives them the power they crave over the people. That viewpoint will never change. Moderate is merely another term for socialist. The Tea party is an effective means to spread the word about the Far Tax. I know since I personally have given more than one speech about The Fair Tax at Tea party rallies.

The Fair Tax movement should simply state the features and explain how it will restore power to the people and remove the big government shackles. In the meantime push for candidates who support the Fair Tax. Don't worry about political ramifications or fallout. Go full bore ahead. Use all means of advertising.
Thanks for that link. I've taken the time to go over some of the testimony before the committee back in June. There were 90 advisory groups and individuals that made statements. They can be viewed on line.

The Fair Tax was not represented. There was no spokesman presenting the case. Even the more conservative elements like the Cato Institute, or Grover Norquist never uttered the words "Fair tax". But, somehow the American Academy of Pediatrics got to testify. So did the National Education Assn. Even the Yavapi Regional Capital.

How did we miss such an opportunity?
Given this rather limited and 'specific' criteria for the parameters of focus for this silly Presidential Commission, it is obvious it was deliberately set up to EXCLUDE any serious ideas to change the existing code in any significant way. The really big question for me, regarding this ‘new’ Commission, is; If Tom Coburn and Jeb Hensarling—Co-Sponsors of H.R. 25 with John Linder—are in fact on this Commission, where in the world were they when testimony/suggestions were entertained, and can we really rely on them to be SERIOUS advocates for enactment of The FairTax? Sometimes in Washington, legislators will ‘sign on’ as co-sponsors to a piece of ‘populist’ legislation strictly for the political capital it gets them, when, in reality, their heart is not in it at all. I would like to think that all 60 co-sponsors of TFT were actually championing H.R. 25 with their constituencies and everyone else, but perhaps that is much too naive. We all know the true reasons that Congresspersons, generally, lack enthusiasm for TFT is because it strips them of their favorite vehicle of wielding political POWER! Congress is going to have to find some TRUE patriotism present in the voting majority before TFT gets any serious consideration. Only other way it’s going to happen is if hundreds of thousands of informed VOTERS demand its enactment or ELSE! I really appreciate the discussions so far on this thread. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. Does anyone know Ken Hoagland's personal E-mail address? I'd like to dialog with him some.


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