Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

My fellow FairTaxers, I am so upset, so distressed I can hardly write this. Seriously, I am thinking of doing something drastic!!! Keep me away from sharp objects. I am be so unnerved, I may go and stab myself with a sponge. Perhaps throw myself between two parked cars. If all that doesn’t work, I may as a last resort go downstairs and throw myself out if the basement window!
You may ask, why Rich are you so upset? You see, I just finished watching my tivo’d recording of CSPAN from yesterday, Wed, March 18th. Yes, it was March Madness.
Here was Pelosi and a herd of left wing Liberal Dems all gleefully at a press conference discussing how “they have taken quick and decisive action to get all those millions of bonuses back from AIG execs”. Charlie Rangel, Mr. Ways and Means, never miss a photo opt, was there. So how did they get the millions back? What action did they take?
Rangle said they are putting forth a bill, to be voted on Thurs., to tax those AIG bonuses at 90%!!!

Is this what has me steamed, and ready to take a bullet? Not yet.
Forgetting for a moment if you think they should have received the bonuses. I listened to all the testimony of the current AIG CEO on CSPAN (4 hours, and yes I have no life) and I now understand and believe they DO in fact deserve these bonuses… but that is for another blog…
So Pelosi then allowed two whole questions to reporters at this photo opt.
First question from reporters: Why 90%?
Answer from Rangle: We figured local state and municipal taxes would get the other 10%. (Wherein they all, Pelosi and Crew, chuckled).
So is this what has my blood pressure going up faster than our multi trillion dollar deficit? Not really.
Here it is….
Second and last question:
Reporters: Why did you choose this way of getting the bonus money back?
Answer: Rangle: We had no way to go after them because of the legality of their contracts, SO WE HAD TO GO TO THE CODE!!!!!!
At which point Pelosi mumbled… “The Tax Code he means”. In case those present did not understand Rangle’s response.
And so fellow FairTaxers, here it was. On display, out in the open, like a fish freshly gutted and splayed open, just what we all have been saying for years. The CODE they called it. The CODE. Much like the code of honor shown in the godfather movies. Only this is real life.
Now I know we FairTaxers all have been saying this for years, but this is the first time I have seen Tax Control of U.S. citizens not only so openly displayed but with the added effect of the gloating that went with it, from the left.
Maybe BHussein will explain all this as he has his very critical appearance on the Tonight Show. Meanwhile, Americans everywhere continue to try and figure out how to pay their light bills next month.
Please excuse me know, I need to go eat some Sushi. And then perhaps get sick… It is only fitting….
Heaven help us.
Rich Giambruno

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Rich....I'm right there with you here.
Everytime I see these clowns bragging to themselves I just want to vomit.

But be careful with the AIG bonus outrage.....they are holding this out in front of you with one hand.....watch what the other hand is doing at the same time.
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are issuing bonuses too....where is the outrage there?
Same goes for the political contributions they sent out? Who did those go to?
The AIG bonuses to these folks are justified. I am 100% convinced of that after seeing the AIG CEO testify before congress this week. These are not the employees that caused the mess, but rather a group who have been promised bonuses to live up to their contracts if they protect and preserve their book of business they have in another segment of AIG business. Not the business segment that caused all the probs. Of course the media did not report it this way, so America is outraged based on un-researched info reported. If these folks walk away from AIG and do not preserve these billions in business, then AIG goes bye-bye and the taxpayers loose ALL their investment.
Question: What would you rather do, pay the bonuses to these folks and saye our investment, or get the bonuses back, the employees walk out (and they will), and we loose all we have lent them?
But the media has not watched the testimony for 4 hours on the 18th, they just heard about the bonuses and ran with a non-factual story. Big surprise, huh? Also it has been incorrectly reported how much the taxpayers are on the hook for at AIG. It is 80 billion, not 120 billion as reported. People are hearing what the media is reporting and not taking the time to follow the real facts and testimony on CSPAN.
Good point on Fannie, Freddie... where is the outrage there, Mr.Rangle? Makes me sick the more I know. And Pelosi is a smiling jackal out there that does not have a brain in her head. Any difficult questions and she defers to others in her rat pack.
And why aren't they returning the campaign contributions? Everyone of these corrupt corporations that received bailout gave to both party's candidates for reelection. Go to Independence Caucus and watch the videos if you want to get outraged.

The bonuses were to be given mainly to people in the London office. If those folks aren't Americans, how can the US Government tax them at all?
Are you saying the US doesn't have the means to tax anyone and everyone?

To be honest (and this is scary)....they could be for aliens from the planet Neptune.....they'd find a way to tax them and I wouldn't be at all surprised.
We are being de-sensitized to all this.
98% tax rate, trillion dollar bailouts......it will continue.

All the socialist bailouts have nothing to do with money. It is one of many methods socialists employ to control the masses. Tied to the money is a host of regulations. The money is only the hook to entice businesses as a means to expand the government. Businesses relinquish their free enterprise autonomy once they accept the bailout. The only tool that is more destructive than bailouts is the federal income tax code. Fortunately we and many more with each passing day are actively seeking to reverse the socialist trend by pressuring Congress critters to support The Fair Tax. The success we've had to date is a direct result of our persistence and can only continue so long as we don't relent.
If you believe these executives deserve these outrageous bonuses....please, kill yourself....immediately1
I understand the difference between a retention bonus and a performance bonus. The retention bonus is part of the pay that an executive gets when he signs on for another year. Sort of like the bonus a pro ball player gets when they sign up with a ball club.

I think the public has not been served very well by calling them bonuses. That implies money for enhanced services. Maybe we should call them balloon payments, then everyone would understand them better.

I respectively disagree with your definition of a retention bonus. In June of 1999 I was notified the location of my work place would be closing at the end of the year. All employees, including non management such as myself, were offered retention bonuses to remain through the end of the year in order to continue necessary business operations. It was not offered simply to have executives sing onto a second year. The public has been duped by Congress who created this socialist mess simply to expand government and use AIG as scapegoat to make Congress look they they are the good guys coming to the rescue of the masses.
I never defined a retention bonus. i think you meant somebody else.
MY apologies. It was directed to Ron.
thanks for the suggestion, Bill.
But if you can clear away your wealth envy for just a minute, you will realize what I am saying. First, we do not want Congress telling businesses in this country who can get bonuses and what they can get it for. Second, we do not want the TAX Code to be the weapon of choice to get the money back! Third, we, the taxpayers, want that bailout money back! And we have no chance to get that with no employees left in AIG's profitable business segment.
So do you want the bonuses not paid, and we lose any chance for the return of our taxpayer money invested, or do you want these contracts honored, and we recoup our 80 billion we are on the hook for to AIG. It is fashionable to rail against any AIG employees now, but take off your jaded glasses for a minute and you will see that keeping these employees working to save our tax dollars makes sense.
Meanwhile, Congress continues to use the tax code to control us, and we the fairtaxers are OK with this??? Huh?


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