Here, attached, is an old Spanish FairTax pocket card that AFFT put out in 2001. It post-dates 1492, when Christopher Columbus sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, but one must remember that on the earlier date there was no Income Tax in the New World.
My translation:
[Side 1 (Left)]
[Title] Make it just another day
Americans for the Fair Tax
About the Fair Tax ([English] FairTax sm])
The FairTax sm:
• Will permit you to keep 100% of your salary, pension, and payment from Social Security.
• Will drastically reduce the cost of goods and services from 20% to 30%.
• Will drastically lower tax rates for Americans of low and moderate incomes.
• Will permit families to save more for home ownership, education and retirement.
• Will free time poorly spent in filling out complicated forms of the "I.R.S."
• Will collect the same amount of money for the federal government.
• Will make taxing of incomes unconstitutional by repealing the 16th Amendment to the Constitution.
• Will eliminate the self-employment tax.
• Will make American products more competitive overseas.
• Will protect and assure funds for Social Security and [English] "Medicare."
• Will eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (the "I.R.S.")
[Side 2 (Right)]
[Title] Make it just another day
Americans for the Fair Tax
About Americans for the the Fair Tax [Hereafter translated as "Americans for Fair Taxation)
• Americans for Fair Taxation is a 501(c)(4) organization, non-profit and non-partisan, dedicated to replacing current federal taxes on income with a single rate simple tax on consumption of new goods and services, with the exception of purchases of essentials.
• Americans for Fair Taxation is a people's [Note: no Spanish translation is available for "grass-roots"] organization supported by hundreds of thousands of members and volunteers throughout the whole country.
• Americans for Fair Taxation supports sensible economic research, education of citizens and of community leaders.
• Americans for Fair Taxation was founded in 1995 and is based in Houston, Texas with an office in Washington, D.C.
• Americans for Fair Tacation depends on the financial support, dedication and the energy of its members to promote its mission.
Americans for Fair Taxation
PO Box 27487 • Houston, TX 77227
[English: Legislative advertisement paid for by Americans for Fair Taxaton SFT-024, Rev 8/01
The FairTax sm:
I have always thought that we need to connect with LULAC.
LULAC is the largest and oldest Hispanic Organization in the United States. LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 900 LULAC councils nationwide. The organization involves and serves all Hispanic nationality groups.
And from what I understand, they are strongly against illegal immigration; so knowing that the FairTax would disincentivize (sic) illegal immigration, or possibly even promote legal immigration, would be beneficial to both parties.
Excellent suggestion. I did not know about LULAC. ~Jim
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