Every true American who loves FREEDOM should be a part of putting an end to tyranny and suppression. Did we not have trouble with England many years ago because we wanted to be free to decide our future and to be thankful to the Creator who gives freedom? We all need to help put an end to wrongful taxation on honest Americans. I will attend this rally for those who cannot make it. Notice my picture, showing a fox surrounded. This is how we all feel.
Note: This is what I posted on Saturday. I was going to go to the rally but my wife is ill with a brain tumor among other things. God knows I wanted to be at the rally but family comes first. If the current administration has it's way on health care, our way of life will further decline into Socialism. We all need to spread the word about wrongful taxation and other things that will destroy our way of life. America has always been a peaceful nation of people and now even Russia is alarmed how fast this peaceful nation has declined so quickly into Socialism without even a whimper from the sheep. The American people. Do you like "Change"?
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