Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

ActionAmerica.org has finally bowed to the requests of many of our readers and published our popular Tax Freedom Clock as a Flash-based web-widget that can be posted to other web sites, blogs, forums and social networking sites. Here it is.

Since it is designed as a widget, it is easy to embed the Tax Freedom Clock on any web site for which you have access to the HTML source. You may find the instructions for this at http://actionamerica.org/taxecon/tfdwebwidget.shtml. It involves only copying one line of code and placing that line in the HTML of your site, where you want the clock to appear, as I have done here.

Please use this widget wherever you post tax related articles and comments. This clock effectively converts taxes paid, into days worked, which drives home the seriousness of our tax problem. Of course, the more people who realize how much they really pay in taxes, the more support the FairTax will get.

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What's wrong with this picture?

ActionAmerica has two web widgets available. The Tax Freedom Clock Widget has taken less than 500 hits, since it's inception, in the middle of July. The Tax Tyranny Clock, which stopped ticking when the Income Tax reached 100 years of age, only took about 900 hits in it's lifetime, of about a month. By contrast, the Gun Self Defense counter has taken over 5000 hits in just the last two days.

If the FairTax is to have a chance, we have to keep the problems of our current system front and center in the public eye. A widget like the one above, posted all over the net, helps do just that. That's why it was created.

The 2nd Amendment crowd seems to understand that. As FairTax supporters, we need to get things like this widget out there, where lots of people can see it and think about what it all means to them.

When people start thinking about how bad things have become, under the income tax, they will start looking for an alternative and the FairTax is positioned as the only viable alternative available. In fact, the widget gives them that starting place. We just need to keep people thinking about the problems with the current system. If people aren't looking, it will be hard for them to stray across the FairTax, since the lame-stream media tends to give the FairTax very little coverage.

So, let's get this widget out there, for people to see. After all, I'm paying for the bandwidth for these widgets, out of my own pocket. I would like nothing more than to see my bandwidth costs rise dramatically, because so many people are seeing this widget, since that would mean that lots of people are being encouraged to look at the income tax alternatives.


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