This is a must see video. I don't know where it originally came from, but it's short, easy to understand and should be in every school's mandatory curriculum.
It's outstanding. My mantra for years has been that we need to change from the Conservative/Liberal continuum to the Collectivist/Individualist continuum. This says it better.
While he has some good points, he misses the real problem with the Left/Right scale to rate one's political leanings. He thinks that Socialism and Facism are on the same side of the chart. For another perspective, try out The Worlds' Smallest Political Test at
This quiz has been around for a long while. It has been revised and honed so that it is quite accurate in discribing where you fit in the political landscape. It includes the Conservative/Liberal contiuum as well as the Colletivist/Individual continuum. It has even been printed in some Social Studies text books.
I score as an absolute libertarian, but within the constraints of the right/left continuum, libertarians can only exist in a republic! Any other form of government doesn't give individuals a voice unless they're in the elite or the majority.
Thank You SO much for posting this video! I don't give a squat about the Liberal vs. Conservative battle going on in this country and neither should any other Freedom Loving American. The POINT is that we ARE a Republican form of government and NOT a Democracy. Everytime we hear a news cast, politician, or anyone else talk about our "great Democracy" , we should ALL cringe. Does any of the progression of Roman empire sound at least vaguely familiar to our current situation in the United States of America? The REASON we are in the mess that we are in is precisely because we've changed our form of government from it's Republican form into what is now almost a pure Democracy!
Every American should see this video!