Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

He calls it the 50 item wish list. There are 1/2 million members watching this!
We're holding our own, but gotta do much better! Can't be sure, bu...

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I noticed a separate item "No income tax, only sales tax". Either I don't understand the difference between this item and The Fair Tax or Glenn doesn't understand there is not a difference. It seems to me the former should be rolled into the Fair Tax item.
Yeah, I saw it too. I voted for both issues. That would make the votes actually appear a lot higher. Wonder if there is a way to get them to merge? let's all go to the contact us section on 912 and let hem know?
I sent Glenn Beck an email pointing out the apparently redundant items "Fair Tax" and "No income tax, only sales tax" and asked the votes for the latter should be rolled over into the former since the former will accomplish the goals of the latter. I suggest others also send him an email.
Opps. see where you already statd to email Glenn
Thanks for the info. just voted! There
I don't think it would be fair to merge the results because some people voted for both. This poll is rediculous though, because there are so many options. There isn't a single option getting more than 2%. What is the point of this poll?
The problem is really with showing the percentages. I assume the percentages mean the percentage of registered users of 912Project. The problem with this is that if the total number of registered users doubles (and the new members don't vote), the percentages will be cut in half.

The list should simply be shown in descending order total votes.
FYI it appears you can vote multiple times.
Its annoying to go back and forth all the time....but I racked up a good 20 votes last night.

The 912 Project is about principles and values.
While the FairTax is a great issue to vote on, it seems most people are sticking with the values and principles issues they are voting on.
'Govern by the constitution' etc.

But yes, there are so many issues along the same lines....FairTax, Sales Tax only etc.
Its not very structured, but we can still all vote and make our voices heard.

I'm part of the 912 here in OKC and am pushing the FairTax as an issue we need to follow and work towards.
This takes you straight to the poll, I think. http://theglennbeck912project.com/2009/04/02/take-our-poll/

I was having trouble finding the poll with some of the other links being passed around. Maybe this will help.

The more I look at this poll the more I realize it misrepresents The Fair Tax. In addition to the item "no, income tax, only sales tax" there is also an item to lower the corporate tax rate . Both these features are part of The Fair Tax with the corporate rate under The Fair Tax at zero. Votes for The Fair Tax would be considerably higher if it were the the other two were never listed. Clearly whoever made this list doesn't understand The Fair Tax.


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